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<p class="gmail-p1">Vivophilia’s Excesses</p>
<p class="gmail-p2"><span class="gmail-s1">This is Adam Zaretsky chiming in from Woodstock, New York. </span><span class="gmail-s2">Thank you Margaretha for some wild topics. Its been hard to write as its been a lot to feel through. </span>I am going to just make a few looming musings into the woven maze here as a start.<span class="gmail-Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p3">I think about life-as-art-as-life interfaces as meant rein in endless reasoning-for-usury and let the vital just splay. Spinning webs of complexities leave chaote’s reign over reductionist utility. Elan vital is the pumping, striving, stretching, churning swirls of swollen life-worldings. Life’s teeming makes this a planetary messy morass; so slimy and swampy, orgonomic and cthuluscenic.<span class="gmail-Apple-converted-space"> </span>Are Vivophilia’s Excesses capitocene-centric or festive displays of abundant life? <span class="gmail-Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p3">A short introduction: I hold labs… hands on vivoart labs. The ecoart labs offer fertile, wildlife green releases and problematic riffs on ‘foreign’ species xenophobia along with alien ecostability and remediation arts. I believe in organic farming and endosymbiosis and have borne witness to autopoietic abundance. The Art for NonHumans labs and explore concepts of rehabilitation, rewilding the globe for migrating keystone species and enrichment for captive non-humans (including refugees, the imprisoned and wage enslaved ‘volunteers’). These are the inclusive, intuitive, intersectional arts I produce in celebration and grieving.<span class="gmail-Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p4">My other labs are often more suspect of egregious carelessness: food art and bioart. Food art and bioart generally rely on life usury traditions of the Capitalocene. The emphasis on cultivating relationality (particularly in the liner notes of bioart) falls flat in contained and failing life support and geek love freak show allure [as if after the parasitism of food or biotech production we can give some lip service to the care of the moist media of life, instead of admitting the feeding-on or moulding-into vivoarts.]<span class="gmail-Apple-converted-space"> </span><br></p>
<p class="gmail-p4">Performance art labs, as in liveart and bodyart are often human-centric but least suspect of material usury of any life available. They often rely on personal or small group volunteering and often take the role of being-stuck like them (others.) Most performance artists are giving much more than taking the live being incorporated into art. They may be emphasizing the embodied, the enduring body or just revivifying through monstrous rushing perturbance but, they are volunteering. It may be a non-clinical trial, a sensorial differencing by choice (perhaps always already seekers in altered states). It might be a proof that it doesn't hurt as much as we feel it does but this would not be your standard masochist's tutelage. Pre-personal Perception of being alive sometimes takes more than words towards the opening of the gates. </p>
<p class="gmail-p3">What we run into with life-care issues in art making is always the economy of what to do and how to keep actions, any actions (even inaction) from being fascist stewardship: what lies in the balance: i.e. ethological ties to Land-Blood-Nation eco-integrity racism as ‘right livelihood’, the geoengineering fast-tech answer to all anthropocene perma-scarring of the ecosphere, or the double binds of regenerative concepts to promote a symbiotic globe and the wishful immortalist medicine of perpetuity. Even the ecological, non-anthropocentric animal studies people have reason to reflect on the problem of sacrifice in these benevolent economies. </p><p class="gmail-p3">There is also the question of feeding-on and moulding-to as inevitable negentropic life striving across all organism-ness. And that opens me to the list. I do have to thank Lissette and Ben and Margaretha for being in keeping with the trouble along with many others for perpetuating the potential for positive futures. How to allow for Vivophilia’s Excesses: Recuperative Celebration?</p>
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