[-empyre-] fwd from jaka - art & support & money

From: "jaka zeleznikar" <jaka@jaka.org>
To: empyre@imap.cofa.unsw.edu.au
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:04:14 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: art & support & money
Reply-To: jaka@jaka.org

> i think there is a different reality in western
> > and northern european countries where the arts are really
> > well supported and funded.

here is some short info about the situation in Slovenia

there are two main sources of money for the art:
Ministry for the Culture and municipality (i'm shure in this word: it's kind
of government
on second level after the state)

they mostly (and specialy this year) give money to big institutions of
importance (big museums, heritage, ... ) - problem is they give them money
they are - there is no clear evidence that they actualy evaluate their
activities and
program and relevance of their program + even so they don't give them realy

contemporary art production is mostly working outside this institutions and
they get
some money but it's usualy realy only a small part of what they (me included
:) need

problem is here is extremly hard to get sponsor - the law is writen so
stupid that
companies who actualy give money (not a lot of them) have no stimulation in
terms of
tax reduction or something like that (so managers tend to awoid artist in
big circles :)

about copy rights: everybody more or less knows about them but since there
is no
money everybody is asked to work for a realy small amounts of money (or for
free) -
but in case also the person/organisation organising event (or making press
coverage) is
in the same situation it's kind of ok


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