[-empyre-] dreamtime + the real relations of production and consumption of everyday life

>"ha! you can't hurt me, i have _this_ [blue marker ('telnet>media.mit.edu:8888')] 
>i am protected 
> from the likes of you!" the lions are gone. he walks away and sees 
> friends of his. together they go to get on an elevator down and out 
> of the building. he walks to get on the elevator first and as soon as 
> he sets foot into the elevator the elevator starts falling fast -i am 
> him again, he is me, we are one and we are falling down down and the 
> elevator gets thinner and thinner. i have him press the stop button 
> which slows our descent a little but it does not stop he hits all the 
> buttons but the elevator just falls faster. i make the decision that 
> this man is not doomed. i think that this is a terrible ending to a 
> film so i save him. the falling elevator should have killed him but 
> in the next scene i see the man walk off the elevator unharmed. 

Yes, dreams are tricky things. Perhaps Zizek is here? or perhaps
he will be along shortly? A Lacanian www.lacan.com, is needed for higher level courses
in The Metaversity. Could someone IM him. Or send him a mail.

Aye, the elevator at the office where I work slipped on its cable yesterday evening, 
but only at the 2nd floor. I now take the stairs. It struck me at the time that the 
Real is rather like that slip of the cable. The imaginary 'knowing' that it has slipped. One 'knows' about the apparatus outside the elevator, one 'knows' about the chasm below, one 'knows' the risks, but even as the wire slips, one 'knows' only the interior of the 
elevator and the routine of not panicking in such situations. One never 'knows' the Real.
 Sometimesone is forced to consider it, however. The Real is like that. Like 911.

I also thought 'quanta!' ('eureka' for the digital age) - our history is liable, like 
our climate, our economies, to changes in state. From one level to another. These 
changes are unevenly distributed their energies not shared - we are after all beings in 
culture -  knowing these changes, communicating them, their mediation, distributing 
the knowledge, all of this is worth striving for. 

sean cubitt:
>Like the idea that we make our own history not under circumstances of 
our own choosing - but we make it. To asset with wit that there is 
after all something rather than nothing, but that this 'thing' is 
more das Ding than datum: that is smart. On the other hand, is it 

More than enough. Surfeit, excess, redundancy, overflowing, knowing-no-bounds, 
contesting: History.

Surely some Film Feminists will be along shortly? They usually arrive at this
point in the 'movie'. Usually Annette Kuhn and/or her students send a letter
concerning a rendevous. Just when things begin to get interesting, no, intriguing.
Dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Because when you ask for an angel and get a Goddess
worlds move. 

But what of the object under consideration? What of the work Sean Cubitt is showing?
He's showing more than The Hours. He's showing his house, perched between 'the gulley'-
'nature' knows nothing of culture- and 'the town' the settler society knows nothing
of 'nature'. He's showing a specially lit place within the house where there is no

Sean is showing.


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