Hmmm, Cristiano... perhaps people like you are one of the main reasons
for the need for CyberFeminism? Perhaps if you actually listened to
and understood what was being said you would realise that:
women on the internet feel oppressed by rude and intolerent men
such as yourself... that they want a space to express themselves and
ideologies without being dismissed as stupid / irrelevant / a waste of
Can you appreciate that women are trying to address (heal) the gender
issues that still exists in our culture... the internet is a great way
to continue this quest on a global scale... why do you feel the need
to seek to discredit / discount this? Does your male ego feel
threatened by this? If you were ever oppressed by the issues woman
have faced I'm sure you would feel differently...
| Cunt comes from 'priestess', symbol of power that of
course the male society transformed in a sybol of hate
for exactly that reason, restricting its meaning to
the body part. This is history.
Art has a tendency of seeking to shock, sometimes by taking words /
ideas and turning them upside down / recontextualising them. Words
don't mean the same thing to different people. Cunt is not a symbol of
hate, for some it is an object of worship, for others a symbol of
crude desire, and for others it might be the womb / matrix of all
existence and experience... it depends where you are coming from.
Perhaps you are still caught up in 19th century repressive morality?
Art is easy to misinterpret if you don't have an open mind.
best wishes,
your friendly prick / cock / dick...
empyre forum