[-empyre-] galleries & establishments

Valerie wrote:

My second question (which has been postulated in recent museum exhibitions at Whitney & SFMoma - and locally in Montreal with events such as the Web section of the Biennale de Montréal) is how to make a transition of presentation to a wider public through museum contexts etc. without sabotaging the wonderful fluidity of production and presentation on the Web? I know that some people have reacted strongly against "museum" exhibitions - however, I also feel that Web artists wish to be a part of the establishment. The reason I ask this question in part is because I am curating an upcoming Web art exhibition at the Musée du Québec (Canada) and these concerns have been raised both outside and inside the institution.

This is a difficult question, and mirrors the concerns that every field is facing in adapting old metaphors to a new medium. Why should a website be a gallery or an issue or even a page, other than for navigational comfort? Does relying on the metaphor of place automatically suggest a less public presentation--inward looking instead of "out there" where people are?

I don't know.

I'm interested in these questions lately as well, since I have been developing an online project that play with/against the institutional display of net.art. It may serve well as an example in this discussion, so at the risk of looking like a self-promoter, I'll talk about it here. The Banner Art Collective (http://bannerart.org) collects, creates, and distributes net.art within the context of web advertising. To that end, the site has a sort of gallery that displays collected work, but also give viewers HTML code that they can use in their own pages that will host a work on their own site. The site, then, is a sort of clearing-house, but the works are intended to be viewed OUTSIDE the site, in the margins of others' sites. Intriguingly, now the site itself is being presented within art festivals, and a gallery in Germany wants to incorporate it into a upcoming show. So the site is moving away from the gallery and moving toward it at the same time.

I look forward to this discussion; it looks interesting!

Brandon Barr

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