[-empyre-] subversive?

Brandon wrote:
I've suggested elsewhere that blogs could offer a different sort of
paradigm of measurement of the effectiveness of research--instead of
peer-review, for instance.  Jill, I'd like to know whether you think
blogging is as subversive as all that, or simply supplements the
current research process.

I love the idea of making an academically acknowlegded kind of Slashdot where peer-review was instant and... but I've wondered, too, whether that might increase the popularity contest aspect of academia.

I find those automatic content management systems which are based on users rating items or essays (slashdot, amazon), and on things like the epinions.com "web of trust" where you say "i trust so and so's reviews, so show them higher up on my screen, and show people she trusts' reviews higher too" - um, I love it, and at the same time I worry about the perception of objectivity that lies in the automation of it all. If we had one big system with algorithms to determine how peer-reviews and ratings push an article up in the system, and others down, well, it might increase the gap between rich and poor - ok, I'm shifting metaphors there aren't I. For instance, after Blogdex (http://blogdex.media.mit.edu) started indexing links from blogs and showing a list of today's most-linked-to-sites the difference between the number of links the most-linked-to-sites got and the sites that weren't that linked to increased. People see that oh, that site got 30 links, so they look at it, and link to it too, so now it has 31 links. I'm worried that could happen with academic research too.

On the other hand, the present situation has plenty of downsides and in reality the peer-review system can be arbitrary or unfair, since reviewers often recognise the author even if it's "blind" review and so on...

So. Subversive?

I prefer lots of individual blogs to the big ones, like http://kur05hin.org or slashdot.org etc, because I like the *differences* between them, and I prefer the sense of an emergent discussion and a loosely clustered group to the top-down systematic algorithm-driven approach, even though those communities can have great qualities.

I used to think the nature of blogs made them open and generous. An optimistic form of technodeterminism. Then I discovered there are hate blogs, white power blogs, blogs devoted to ridiculing an individual, etc.

So I think they're as subversive as we want them to be.


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