We've moved from the refreshing Blog 'confessional' of jill/txt (great to see the "History/'her story'" proposition alive and well in the new millennium, Jill, but isn't this view a bit essentialist and 70s? doesn't it perpetuate the myth of the radical reversal of the roles of active male/passive female, and assume that gender relations must be antagonistic? Surely we?ve moved on?
I'm not sure I follow you? I don't see blogging or personal academic writing as particularly tied to gender. Do you? There is some feminist theory that suggests personal critical writing is a feminist project (and there is some feminist theory arguing that it isn't or shouldn't be) but there are also lots of men who write personally (Taylor and Saarinen's Imagologies comes to mind, also Barthes, and many others). And obviously both men and women blog.
Tell me more about what you're thinking of?