[-empyre-] relevant

WEB GIVES A VOICE TO IRANIAN WOMEN The past few months have seen a jump in online journals or "blogs" in Iran as more and more women turn to the Internet to discuss taboo subjects. In 2001, approximately 400,000 people were online in Iran and that number is expected to grow to 15 million over the next 4 years. The government does not censor the Internet and Iranian journalist Hossein Derakhshan said many of the online journals deal with social issues, "... the underground lives that Iranian youth have these days. Things like girlfriends, boyfriends, the music they listen to, the films they see." One female blogger praised the online journals saying, "Women in Iran cannot speak out frankly because of our Eastern culture and there are some taboos just for women, such as talking about sex or the right to choose your partner." [SOURCE: BBC News, AUTHOR: Alfred Hermida] (http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_2044000/2044802.stm)

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