Re: [-empyre-] vogs - control

At 15:46 -0300 27/6/02, Nemo Nox wrote:
Internal to the site, anyway, meaning the edit
doesn't take you to another site. This brings
another question: what is the vog, each little
movie or the site that contains them?

each movie, though each movie may contain several little movies. though i guess to vog means to make several? since a blog is presumably not a single post, or is it?

interesting question and problem but one that for me that isn't that productive. i'm a speech act pragmatist about these things, when i blog and talk about blogging there's a pragmatic understanding about what i do and mean. the question of what is the minimal signifiying unit of a blog or minimal unit that constitutes blogness is interesting but (for me) only to the extent that it identifies a pragmatic relation of part to whole rather than anything structurally (or semiotically) significant.

and there is no reason the author retains control
of the whole (and you've just given me an idea to
not do that).

That depends on what the author wish to achieve. And it could be argued that if one doesn't have control over his work he shouldn't be considered the author.

getouttahere :-) when does control begin and end then? what an audience does with it? interpretation? and who wants to be an author why not just be a facilitator? who wrote the i ching and does that really matter much given that it's the system of combination that is important there? it's not about authorship, have a look at and click on the searchers option. (absolutely broadband only and you need quicktime 5). this is a context come knowledge engine where i'm not an 'author' i just facilitate the invention of pattern.

in my case i have a movie that borrows live webcam
images from elsewhere. i have no control over these
images, i just grab the urls for the jpegs and load
them on demand in my movie.

That is similar to framing someone else's content on your site, or using RSS or similar technologies to show outside content integrated in your site. You can have expectations regarding to what will appear as part of your work but the lack of control can lead to unexpected results. Imagine a movie that borrows landscapes from a series of webcams. The one of the webcam owners decides to use her cam to show off her naked body. That would alter the content and the meaning of your movie - and possibly make it very popular. :-)

indeed. and i could write a quicktime move that in effect would operate as a browser for other quicktime movies. vog squared?

nice ideas nemo

adrian m
+ lecturer in new media and cinema studies []
+ interactive desktop video developer []
+ hypertext rmit []
+ InterMedia:UiB. university of bergen []

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