Re: [-empyre-] alternate al.gore.rhythmic conceptions [:)]

At 03:03 PM 5/09/2002 +0800, you wrote:

hi all

..i'm really curious regarding sense orientation whilst occupying net-based worlds.....the transferral of sentience in[2] text-or-web.based domains via if its the product of collusive growth-patterns [eg thru consensual hallucinatory or simply assumed corporealities] or something else..........

'collusive growth patterns' has such an organic base to it....

heya linda,

yr right, it does...........mite b more appropriate 2 conceptualize it in terms of the algorithmic......or crystalizations............[tho these still smakk of the organic 2 some degree].......

what of biodiversity within this vast territory? and endangered species....

yup, the ecology [or netology?] shaping should b considered as vastly differ[ing]ent......

maybe u cd talk a bit more about this aspect of the practice, ie the formulas and languages -- and also about the point where they leave the field of authorship, the point where the netwurkers float off from having anything to do with u/mez -- if this is in fact at all really possible .. as they are based on 'your' text -- its cadences and patterns .

sure l, good idea:)

......mezangelled texts r produced & trans.lated in2 a variety of lvls, each coded ][with][in their own meaning trajectories..sometimes i'll wurk x.clusively within email editors 2 create a mezangelled piece, which i'll then send out & hope 4 co-collaborators 2 contribute 2 it....other times i'll send a direct english|poetic translation of the mezangelled text straight after....& then i can even merge these 2 in a more multimediac|interactive format..... ppl can then choose 2 utilize their own personal cues/x.traction abilities according 2 the form that is more appropriate [ie email text or translated poetic text or even flash if i mutate it that far]..............i'll b.gin with the initial concept which may spring from lines of text|code that i've been noting in separate email-editor files...then the structure usually m.merges from this, via a method of appropriation [ie mimicking of a international relay chat transcript or actually using 1 that i may have participated in, or a stretch of stylistically (or executably) -breathtaking code]..........

......i employ a melange of ico][de][nographs, fragments of programming language-shards [mostly Perl] + operating system echos:: tree-structure + wildcard refs, booleanisms, unix shell commands, html + java script conventions, ascii, all in semi-random but heavily stylized patterns...the randomness exists in the formulation, as i'm sure i somehow n.nately follow various rules of thumb[s] that rn't consciously apparent [2 me, anyway:)].........the repeated allusions 2 hyperlinks via bracketing of meanings [hopefully] lead 2 alternative curves to absorption & understanding....[almost a mimicking of the x.pansion of the potentialities of co:d][iscours][e].......the main ele.ment][al][s that keeps mezangelled creched in the netwurk is information trawling, the draw][l][ of netwurk language & symbol con][inter][ventions & the collaboratory n.tent, & this is often where the texts leave conventional authorship-attribution lines....

....i always write & send via email listings, MOO environs etc in the hope that the wurk will spiral out in2 a collaborative e.vent....even if the scissored textings don't e.voke a direct response, the fact that the method, formulation & *.exe.][elo][cution r geared 2wards it means mezangelle could not without the netwurk as a sub][im][mergence is more this aspect that allows 4 the identity tags 2 function as meaning|creator cues than actual severing from 'my' text as such..........

do you often use other texts, random texts and has this latter aspect changed over time?

absolutely....mezangelle first began with[in] the 7-11 & nettime mailing lists [b4 nettime became heavily moderated]........back then the m.mphasis was more centred around active textual manipulation of items that were being sent 2 these list....m@ [who has now morphed into the artist better known as meta] & i would take it in turns 2 content-alter tracts using scripting-emulations...this content alteration has now shifted 2 manipulation of other artists works, & this makes 4 some amazing collaborative wurk][ings][s............


. . .... ..... collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt . . app][lick.ation][end.age

.... .               .???  .......

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