RE: [-empyre-] Welcome Jim Andrews re: Electronic Poetry

At 08:24 AM 3/05/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >What I would like to explore is digital art that bridges the gap between
> >what comes to mind with
> >the term 'Electronic Poetry' and other forms of digital art.
> bridges or _breaks_ the gaps, jim?

How do you 'break' a gap, Mez?

how.D jim,

u fizzure it, strip it of its potential 2 _b_ a bridging device.

[c. this is a purrfect eg of y silence b.cums me;)]

gap as in appreciating the fracture, the disruptor as opposed 2 [ten]drilling towards via frame[work]s or reconstruction.

'Bridge' is what I meant.


reminds me of gibson as opposed 2 cadigan.

Your "time.telescoping" I guess has missed the other posts.

it has. apologies all round. getting 2 them now.


living in bracketted timeologies,

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_men[iscus_heart] plucking via broken[u]ges_

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