[-empyre-] Texts as fodder

I'm going to be rather broad as I've been reading a large number of posts, and don't feel I can give them justice without going on for pages.

What I see happening here is a discussion relating to a number of threads, among these being textual synaesthesia, the word or letter/symbol as representational form for computation aesthetics, multimedia poesis, computational autopoesis, and so on.

Two issues that I would like to take up would be textual symbology as aesthetic/poetic gesture and the cognitive ordering of meaning in virtual spaces. This is necessarily reducing the conversation to a binary wich is hopelessly reductive, but I wnat o draw a contrast for uses of discusision.

From this vantage point, there are a number of works such as Bookchin's Invader, Arteriods, and even more basic pieces such as Alphabot that huse the textual symbol as a representational practice that is more indicative of the multimedia piece and less indicative of metanarrative. To me, this is a gesture of using textual signification as a form of computational aesthetics, than constructor of (meta)narrative. And of course, sunch computation itself is based on symbolic operations, to do so draws interesting correlations between a Chomsky-esque deep structure between human linguistics and , as Hayles would put it, the multiple layers of symbolic interpretation between the basic operational structure of computation and the higher interpretative level of HCI. To do so, IMO, is to consider the parallels of representation between human and machine interpretation and the discontinuities relating to textual HCI.

I would like to add to the fray that I don't see quite so many people dealing with metanarrative in online spaces, such as how larger narrative structures are constructed in the online. Of interest to me are pieces like Rackham's, Amerika's, LIttle's Body Without Organs. One of the big challenges to the construction of online narrative is how cognition, which may change in mode, but does not alter so much in structure as shown in The Art of HCI, Creative Cognition, and a bit in Digital Mantras, allows the construction of meaning in the virtual. THis has been a big interest to me since 1990, from the building of alternate structures through concurrent media for pedagogy, distributed/multimodal narratives (Connecticut College, 2000, used 3-walled projection, browser-based, environmental/haptic sensors and VR interfaces to access a single narrative), to associative narratives like the Plumb ThinkMap technology (which I could never get the relational databases running in).

Therefore I ask what are the differences between operating on various scales, if any, and how does this alter the construction of narrative? Also, does the online/virtual actually allow for rich new methodologies of the construction of narrative through techniques such as virtual terrains(VR), associative mindmapping, Augmented Reality overlays, or multimodal representations? Or, ore we deluding ourselves and should go back to a book? (just a polemic, friends)

I'm being brief as I'm writing a lot today, but I hope that this serves as a kick to the flywheel.
I'll be interested in hearing what you all have to say.

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