[-empyre-] inexpressibility (fwd)


   FOM:   infallibility   and  inexpressibility  FOM:  infallibility  and
   inexpressibility. Neil Tennant principles,
   etc.  Next  message:  FOM: Re: infallibility and inexpressibility; ...
   FOM: Re: infallibility and inexpressibility FOM: Re: infallibility and
   inexpressibility. Neil Tennant neilt@mercutio.cohums.ohio-state.edu
   Thu,  21  Jan 1999 14:54:36 -0500 (EST): iv) Syad avaktavyam :
   It posits the inexpressibility of the nature
   of  the  object  or  an  event from a different point of view. For ...
   serves  to  remind  us  of something that is basic to the very idea of
   There are many different standards of expressibility. In terms
   of L0 it is inexpressible or avayakata. It is this inexpressibility or
   avaykata-property  that provides the clue, a pointer, to the existence
   of  L1.   12 Methods for Proving Inexpressibility in MonNP 3.1
   Reductions in the Context of
   MonNP  In general, one of the simplest methods to get inexpressibility
   results    Essentially  the  only  known technique for proving
   hardness (that is, inexpressibility)
   results  in  descriptive  complexity is to make use of games on graphs
     But this is well known [1] Grumbach, Su, and Tollu [13] have
   also obtained
   inexpressibility   results   for   linear  queries,  using  complexity
   arguments.  The problem of determining the expressive power of
   constraint queries has spurred
   a  lot  of  research  leading  to several interesting inexpressibility
   results for The problem of determining the expressive power of
   constraint queries has spurred
   a  lot  of  research  leading  to several interesting inexpressibility
   building on work of Frasse [Fra54]
   are   an  important  tool  for  proving  inexpressibility  results  in
   Mathematical    Recently, Libkin and others [2; 9; 10; 11; 12;
   13] systematically started
   to  explore  locality  as a tool for proving inexpressibility results.
     From  the  second  vantage  point  I  say  the same goes for
   knowledge itself,
   as  long  as we are convinced of the inexpressibility of being itself.
     Essentially  the  only  known technique for proving hardness
   (that is, inexpressibility)
   results  in  descriptive  complexity is to make use of games on graphs
     Essentially  the only known technique for proving "hardness"
   (that is, inexpressibility)
   results  in  descriptive  complexity is to make use of games on graphs
       0300:   Previous   message:  FOM:  Re:  infallibility  and
   Next message: FOM: As to a "naivete" of G.Cantor's set theory; ...
   Recently,  Libkin  and  others  [2;  9; 10; 11; 12; 13] systematically
   to  explore  locality  as a tool for proving inexpressibility results.
    The  edge  of  3-variable-inexpressibility  beside  The  edge  of
   3-variable-inexpressibility beside. Tarski's Peircean formulation of
   set-pairing.  A.  Formisano. 4 Inexpressibility of (E)   (W)   (L)
   in  3 vari-. ables. The edge of 3-variable-inexpressibility beside
   The  edge  of  3-variable-inexpressibility  beside.  Tarski's Peircean
   of  set-pairing.  A. Formisano. \Lambda , EG Omodeo. y , A. Policriti.
   z.    A.  Formisano,  EG Omodeo, and A. Policriti. The edge of
   the axiom of elementary sets and peircean inexpressibility. As
   there  has  been  some success in proving inexpressibility results for
   NP,  it seems reasonable to turn to the next stage, Binary NP. ...
   ...new  inexpressibility  results  we  are  optimistic  that the local
   games  will  turn out to be a useful tool to get such results. ...
   games are available
   for  proving inexpressibility results for many other logics, including
       lamenting  the  impoverishment  of  language  to  describe
   landscapes and their attendant
    fall short of proving that the hierarchy described above is a
   proper infinite hierarchy,
   the  combinatorial complexity of our inexpressibility result testifies
    fall short of proving that the hierarchy described above is a
   proper infinite hierarchy,
   the  combinatorial complexity of our inexpressibility result testifies
     and  grace.  An  intrinsic  part of this mystical awareness,
   is  the sheer inexpressibility of these truths. In theological ...
   games are available
   for  proving inexpressibility results for many other logics, including
     In  Section  8,  we give new inexpressibility results in the
   presence of certain
   built in relations. We summarize in Section 9. Other related work. ...
    More  recently,  Libkin  and  others considered this technique of
   proving inexpressibility
   results  using locality in a complexity theoretic context (see, eg [5,
   14 [18] A. Formisano, EG Omodeo, and A. Policriti. The edge of
   the axiom of elementary sets and peircean inexpressibility. 31
   -0500: Previous message: FOM: Models of ZFC, truth predicates,
   reflection; Next message: FOM: infallibility and inexpressibility; ...
   EF95] Variants
   results  for    integration, dependencies, universal solution,
   chase, query answering, certain answers,
   computational  complexity,  first order inexpressibility A preliminary
     others considered this technique of proving inexpressibility
   results using locality
   in  a  complexity  theoretic  context  (see,  eg  [5,  15,  14, 16]) A
   completely   ...new inexpressibility results we are optimistic
   games  will  turn out to be a useful tool to get such results. ...
   We  start  by  proving  a  general  result describing outputs of local
   queries. This
   result  leads  to many easy inexpressibility proofs for local queries.
     We  start  by proving a general result describing outputs of
   local queries. This
   result  leads  to many easy inexpressibility proofs for local queries.
    The  key tool in proving inexpressibility results in finite model
   recently,  Libkin  and  others  considered  this  technique of proving
   results  using locality in a complexity theoretic context (see, eg [5,
   14   and universal second-order logic define the same class of
   problems) enables different
   lines  of  attack  on  these hypotheses using (inexpressibility) tools
   from    It  is  this  issue of "inexpressibility" which should
   enable us to appreciate fully
   the  analogy  between  poetry  and  mathematics  and  how serious this
   analogy  might    for.  proving  inexpressibility results. ...
   paper. Inany case, locality
   remains  a valuable tool for proving inexpressibility results. ...
   of faith La ilaha illa Allah'There is no God, but God', which affirms
   negation  the  inimitability, the infinity and the inexpressibility of
   God. Typical properties considered for the set or bag algebras
   are inexpressibility results
   like transitive closure is not expressible in the algebra [49] Here we
     Nevertheless,  a  number  of  inexpressibility  results were
   established recently. Nevertheless,
   a  number  of  inexpressibility results were established recently. ...
    We  start by proving a general result describing outputs of local
   queries. This
   result  leads  to many easy inexpressibility proofs for local queries.
    inexportable, kann nicht exportiert werden. inexpressibility,
   {f}.   inexpressibility,   Unbeschreiblichkeit   {f}.   inexpressible,
   unaussprechlich.    wisdom  C. The termination of words on the
   dual wisdom 1. The termination itself
   2.  The reason for the termination of words a. The inexpressibility of
   the    such  as  a dog. We disagree that we can "perceive" the
   of  being  through our intellect. Perception through intellect ...
   Thus, he claims (most bewitchingly) that Wittgenstein's ethical system
   in  the doctrine of 'moral inexpressibility' expounded in propositions
   6.4    2.2  The Inexpressibility of Fregean Ontology. This
   discussion of inexpressibility
   deepens  the  understanding  of  the fundamental thesis of this essay,
   namely:       Thus,   he   claims   (most  bewitchingly)  that
   Wittgenstein's ethical system (consolidated
   in  the doctrine of 'moral inexpressibility' expounded in propositions
   6.4    2.2  The Inexpressibility of Fregean Ontology. This
   discussion of inexpressibility
   deepens  the  understanding  of  the fundamental thesis of this essay,
   namely:    Nor  is  the position of absolute inexpressibility'
   (avacyataikanta) a tenable hypothesis,
   because  in that case the proposition "the real is inexpressible" will
     synchronization. Inexpressibility is an embarrassing problem
   for art, whether
   it's  the inexpressibility of extreme lust or of extreme fear. ...
   in successor relation, least fixed point logic captures P [28, 49] and
   partial fixed
   point  logic  captures  PSPACE  [1] It is the inexpressibility results
   within  to graphs (that is, formulae (x; y) in the language oe
   gr ) in [25] It was also
   shown   there  that  the  BDP  proves  many  inexpressibility  results
   definition see eg EF95] Variants
   results  for  Google: trees, and use them as our main tool
   to prove inexpressibility. Yahoo:
    them  as  our main tool to prove inexpressibility. Hannah
   Arendt and Jean-Paul Sartre. Scarry begins with the fact of
   pain's  inexpressibility. Not only is physical pain enormously ...
   Our  tool  in  order  to  prove  this  inexpressibility  result is the
   games,  which  is one of the few tools that are useful in the presence
   of    Otherness  of  existence  means this inexpressibility by
   language. How should
   we  understand this inexpressibility of existence by language? ...
   This is in two parts: Concerning the inexpressibility of the Buddha -
   the  most  noble  person who cultivates the very highest spirituality.
     ffl there are a lot of inexpressibility results showing that
   Graph Connectivity
   is  not  expreessible  by  Mon  Sigma 1 1 formulae [Fag75] even in the
   presence  of    Most of the inexpressibility results for fixed
   point logics are proved using these


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