Re: [-empyre-] From lurking, to launching in....

Hi Melinda, Charlotte, Nancy and everyone,

Before bringing some remarks about "lurking", a word regarding empyre.
I follow the discussions with interest, because of the quality of the exchanges,
something I can't find on french mailing lists. The discussions in a contradictory way
are not possible. After 4, 5, 6 posts you get:
-insults and/or
So thanks to everyone writing here for debating with ideas, opinions,...
The fact I'm french is the starting point for some remarks about the reasons
why I'm often lurking.
Before to write a message I've to overcome 2 difficulties:
-the language
-the culture
To undestand english is not sufficient to communicate efficiently or precisely.
The discourse is always based on a "deep" culture, the culture you don't even
know because you're born in and living with. Though british, american, australian,...
people are different they have some common roots.
I speak here with my own experience: I live since 22 years in Austria and
I also spent the 4 last years commuting between Germany and Austria.
To write in german is not a problem, but to master the other level, the deep
cultural one is much more diffcult: it takes years to get the codes to have the
"correct" behaviour with natives (correct means here that people forget you're
a foreigner)
As I've never lived in an english speaking country I know in reference with my
german experience all what I miss. (I hope to get soon an opportunity to travel
to an english speaking country as well to improve my english as to approach
the culture, the social life,...)
By the way babies are lurking (ie listening and looking at): that's the way
to learn language!
So I belong to the minority (majority in absolute number): english is neither my
native tongue, nor the language used in the country where I live.

The question of minority is also an interesting point: gender, ethnicity, nationality,...
One example: somebody of a minority living in USA, UK,...discussing about:
a)the problems of being a member of the minority. Probably the intensity of the writing,
the emotions will be very high if the person is suffering from the situation.
b)a professional topic, with all the background requested.
The message will be more technical.
If I read the second message and have no indication about who write it,
I'm facing the situation to read something written with the dominant language
and culture. (I don't credit bad intention to my fictive writer of course
That's only the way it is)
The boarders are blurred: majority/minority, globalization/standardization,...!!!

Other considerations: each of us has a different life: mix of place of birth, of education,
personal situation(s) and experiences. This unicity should be considered
permanently to avoid stupid categorization(s)/exclusion(s).

Simply take the other(s) as human being(s).
In our field the term "interdisciplinary" is often used for technical/professional exchange.
I would like to ask everyone: how interdisciplinary are we ourself? I mean here:
do we speak foreign languages?, what is/are our formation(s)? have we practised
several professions? have we experienced exclusion, mobbing? are we prepared
to learn and learn again, to listen carefully to others, to protest loudly against or act
resolutely for something ? ...

That's how I try to develop my understanding and to be prepared for confrontations.
And confrontation is always better as silence or no-response which often comes
from those who are really afraid!



Isabel Saij
Contributor of netartreview

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