Re: [-empyre-] thankyou Metacreation and alife artists

Thank you Melinda

Thank the curators of the thematics.

It was with a wide spectre, miscellaneous and full of ideas..

I have one of it (idea), maybe for spring, which will be of the order of the
list but otherwise, although also free if things are made as I wish, I shall
send an e-mail to Melinda for all...

Remain watching :)

Sincerely my best,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Melinda Rackham" <>
To: "soft_skinned_space" <>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:49 AM
Subject: [-empyre-] thankyou Metacreation and alife artists

> -empyre - wishes to thank our guests this month  - writer and researcher
> Mitchell Whitelaw  (AU), author of "Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life"
> (MIT Press),  who was joined by eminent a-life practitioners Paul Brown
> (UK),
> Mauro Annunziato (IT),  Ken Rinaldo (US), and Maria Verstappen (NL).
> The month covered an incredible diversity of from and process,  dipping
> such issues surrounding the creative practice of art  as
> sublimity,  software art , poetics, self modification, intimacy  and
> emergence. Our guests have  shown great generosity in time and spirit, and
> its has been a pleasure to be witness to their  sharing of their thoughts
> and arts works. The discussions have left a dense web of  ideas, artworks,
> links and texts  which will provide a rich reference point in the future.
> Remembering  that are not separate from the other living systems that
> surround us, thank you  too to all at -empyre- who have posted  and
> commented  and made this month so enjoyable..
> And serendipitously the last few posts on intimacy leads us very neatly
> next months discussion on themes of synesthesia and other sense
> relating to the convergence of vision, sound and pre-aware cognition.
> stay aware.. not alarmed ! (my apologies.. that's a joke for Australians
> only)
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum

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