[-empyre-] IF may == 0 THEN port discourse [open/enabled]

i + the other coreDevelopers have been very [excited/inspired] by this month's
discussion + would like to say thank you to everyOne that participated + posted
+ lurked + Christina for inviting us + Sherry Miller Hocking for joining empyre
+ the conversation + the entire empyre community for having us [over/in] for
this discussion!

i would like to extend a special welcome to all of you that have created liken
logins + personNodes during this month's discussion. please join us in the
development of criticalartware + liken by posting nodes, creating likis +
comments + savegames + traversing these paths. as we have been discussing, it is
our sincere hope that you will contribute to, participate in + shape the
[application/platform] + the discourses criticalartware [focuses on/facilitates].

jon.satrom wrote:
>Liken will absorb our xchange and continue it

yes, we are currently [likenizing/nodalizing/porting] this month's discussion +
[we intend/encourage you] to continue to conversation [in/on]
[liken/criticalartware]. we will continue to [extend/engage] these
hyperthreadings + post related nodes + resources so that this month's
conversation can [continue on/pollinate/intermingle with] existing nodes + paths
of criticalartware + itself become an ongoing shared hystorical resource:

"empyre ++ criticalartware liki"
(metatags: empyre | listserv | guest | discussion)
node = savegame 648

thanks again to everyOne + see you [in/on] the criticalartware applat + liken!

---> criticalartware coreDeveloper

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