[-empyre-] qnoors plain txt

empyre in situ forum participants jaye hayes + jason sweeney invite the empyre list to join them for qnoors: inbox june 10-13.

input/infiltrate/ignore/witness/denounce/discuss the artists' open process at acmi, melbourne
&/or online http://fluidtransmissions.va.com.au/qnoors/inbox

jaye + jason will join the empyre in situ discussion from june 15-16 (post live-installation/s).


[queer non object oriented radio signal]
Jaye Hayes + Jason Sweeney
June 7-13, 2004

sub > bootlab [berlin] + dub > acmi [melbourne]

part of '2004: australian culture now' ACMI + NGV

noo media (non object oriented media) is a creative strategy initiated by Jaye Hayes & Jason Sweeney during a residency at Radio 90 (Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada).

qnoors is an ongoing perversion of the send/receive binary, an experimental radio research practice that fails to deliver static outputs.

over 7 days, subliminal + dubhustler will assemble 2 low-fi transmission/reception sites,
shape-shifting temporary operation centres for collecting, trashing, feeding, falling thru portals
& crying over data sent over various oceans and ethers.

onsite in melbourne: jason (dub) will inhabit a cardboard box (un)structure in the acmi ground
level foyer (near the Memory Grid), creating an active (& sometimes non-active) installation.
visitations, remote communications and sustenance welcome.

onsite in berlin: jaye (sub) will inhabit various insecure inboxes at/in/around bootlab, while she attunes her radiobody to the berlin airwaves & recycles EU scrap data for remote relay.

> a workspace not a showcase.

> a telemetric process evolving from an organic exchange of disturbances within an unstable
net-work of failures and disconnections, transgressions and interferences.
random access online >>> blog-life, sound-store + image decay, endless lists, webchat, unstable
connections, visitor input and regrets

about the qnoors operators >>>
subliminal + dubhustler
net-radio outcasters, queer operators with outlaw attitude, secret audio agents with hidden agendas, unidentified signal testers, bedroom bleepers, remote communicators displaced between unnamed frequencies, broken bandwidths and lost highways... our mission: to generate queer post-consumer noise, submerged autonomous troublemaking, mis-communicated dissent; to resist the produce/consume binary. we harbour a delinquent disregard for the linear notion of productivity and the corproate gloss of high tech production. we like using technology that fails more often than we do. failure is the noo success.

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