Re: [-empyre-] Deciphering "The Magic Rat" (2) ACERTATA

Hello Ale,

I really do not know why you are so worried. I love your "The magic Rat" as
I like all your works and I love you too. I did not see anything bad in the
text you sent before.
I would like to know more about your aGFremixer, is it anything to project
sound and image at the same time, as Pianographique by Lamarque for example?

Warmest regards,

~o;> Regina, the Sherlock Rat

----- Original Message -----
From: "aLexandre Venera" <>
To: "soft_skinned_space" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 2:32 AM
Subject: [-empyre-] Deciphering "The Magic Rat" (2) ERRATA

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I love you regina
I see now that I changed some words in the text of brian mackern
instead of:::
{don´t forget that also games are more universal, another kind of interface
 to communicate with others}
> {don´t forget that also love plows universal lives, another kind
> of interface to communicate with others}
this sentence modified when I went by the electronic translator
I made a test now and the mistake repeated
I had many texts to read - it was a mistake, a disaster sorry
you please see (in the right text below) that the whole context has positive
you were perfect in the analysis, you are excellent detective
That is lamentable, but I want you very happy, please!!!!!!!

here the correct text

>>Deciphering "The Magic Rat" (
>>Third View: The Conclusion
>>Regina, The Sherlock
>iiiaaaauuu!!! really, regina was great!!!
>maybe here we have that GAME that brian mackern refers
>> {don´t forget that also games are more universal, another kind of
>> of interface to communicate with others}
>as well as me, regina should also be honored when playing
>with " The Magic Rat " and this is the argument " stereocenic "
>to link through art: the aesthetic pleasure.
>the communication exists yes, after all an idea exists, but
>the one that prevails is the emotional relationship...
>the communication appears as a message subliminar.
>the "big mom" knows about everything while
>the "big brother" spies him:
>art is what the mom doesn't like.
>empyre forum

empyre forum

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