Re: [-empyre-] coretext

Thanks for the exquisite information!



Dear Cristina,

I am sending you what you have asked me. However the tranlations into
English are mine and I do not  know if they are correct. So that I am
sending  the definitions in Portuguese too. I will look for the catalogue
where the definition by Marcio Doctors is. I am sure that I will find there
the correct version of his definition in English. Marcio Doctor  prefer
using the other name of the category artist's book, he calls them

"...livro-objeto é a configuração desse campo-outro que se constitui a
partir da diluição dos limites entre Literatura e Arte. Ou melhor é a
fundação de um território a partir dos vazios estabelecidos por cada uma
dessas formas de expressão."

(DOCTORS, Marcio. Catálogo da Exposição Livro-Objeto / A fronteira dos
vazios. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Bultural Banco do Brasil, 1994.) / Please
wait for the correct English Version.

"The importance of the artist's book, is just that in it, words, images and
signs transform themselves in plastic organisms that are moved along the
pages in a variable, kinetic sequence, where the innovation, not only in
the form but also in the content is a result of the evolution ( starting
from Mallarmé until today) which have had that kind of expression, defying
the reader for a new look and a new relation with the printed page."
(Alex Hamburguer, 1994 - Translated into English by Regina Célia Pinto)

"A importância do livro de artista ou livro-objeto, é que nele palavras,
imagens e signos se transformam em organismos plásticos que se movem ao
longo das páginas numa sequência variável, cinética, onde a inovação, tanto
na forma como no conteúdo é um resultado da evolução ( a partir de Mallarmé
até os dias de hoje) pela qual vem passando esse meio de expressão,
desafiando o leitor para um novo olhar e uma nova relação com a página
(Alex Hamburguer, 1994)
Alex Hamburguer is one of the indefatigable representatives of  visual and
sound poetry in Rio de Janeiro. Since years 80, the artist have argued and
introduced in his poems here and abroad, the processes of  literature in
today's world. He has been working mainly with the possibilities of  the
tri-dimensional  poetry. ( ,

He prepared this text you have liked to an exhibition about artist's book I
curated when I was Art coordenator of a Book Store / Cultural Space here in
Rio de Janeiro.


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