Re: [-empyre-] Viewing Axalotls

Jim Andrews wrote:

Does writing itself constitute some political ideology? If so, how so?

I don't find anything political in our ability to write but one can always find/project something political/ideological everywhere,
but writing as act of writing has political and social meaning, always

in everything we write we choose: in which language to write (and we have attitudes and opinions of languages and nations
related to them) and even if we are not bi/multi lingual we must choose to use the standard (book) language or dialect,
will we take care of the rules of writing and grammar or not (firsT letteR iN a sentencE musT bE biG), which words
will we choose (vagina, pussy), we even choose in which letter to write (I could wrote this in Cyrillic letters for example)

all this decisions (most of them we are unaware of most of the time) have strong political/social meaning, we position
and define ourselves/our role in a society through such choices all the time


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