Re: [-empyre-] archiving + preservation]

I'm glad you brought this up! I've thought about this a lot, and it came up many times while I was developing liken. The issue was that we wanted to have a more [visual/spatial] representation of the node structure. But this complicates matters 100-fold. Think of the example Jaka brought up about the links from a "rock" node. "Rock" may be very close to "Music" in conceptual space, and it may also be very close to "Geology," but "Music" and "Geology" are very far apart in conceptual space. This destroys the idea of "clusters," unless nodes are constantly rearranging themselves into clusters -- at which point the cluster is basically a list, which is our current default.

I have been looking at two different kinds of structures lately, associations and prototypes. the first is what you describe in liken; when I import your xml file into protege, I would categorize elements of your clusters into prototypes (schema) - class-subclass - inherited properties. So picture those nice organic human structures skydiving off into crystalized rational formations. The web is an example of the first structure, the semantic web is example of the second structure. The semantic web will look exactly as it looks today, but under the hood, it will be categorized into ontologies.

Rock-Music, Rock-Chair are associational relationships. In ontological terms, Rock inherits properties from Object/NaturalObject/Rock. Specific kinds of Rocks (MoonRocks) inherit from Rock, but add their own distinctive properties not found in all Rocks (specificallyLocated Moon). RockMusic on the other hand is not an object, it is a kind of Radiating/RadiatingSound/AudibleSound/Music. In ontology, relationships are expressed in such ways as 'isA, hasA, PartOf... Music isA Art, Music isA FieldOfStudy, Music isA Punishment(face the music), isA Business, Hobby, etc.............

In Liken you're giving unique id's to both nodes and paths. EveryLikenThing isA Node or a Path. Can you start to differentiate a little bit more - what type of node (peopleNode, conceptNode), path (associationPath, prototypePath, poeticalPath). See, we start getting into ontology.

We can mentally reconcile this problem very easily, because that's the way our mind works. Of course "Rock" can have a million connotations! But when it comes down to displaying these relationships on a grid of pixels in 2D or 3D space, all existing models of representation fall short. The "nodemap" representation of liken is the dumb, brute-force method of describing the pathways as fixed in 2D space. This would be similar to (if it were possible) taking a picture of the brain from the top, with every neuron and connection visible. It's interesting to look at, but ultimately useless in its ability to really tell us anything.

That's why when we talk about "conceptual cartography," we're talking about fundamentally different ways of

I know what you mean of course (mapping concepts), but amusingly, it sounds like 'Theoretical Cartography' - (differs from 'Actual Cartography.' ). So let's associate; what's the difference between Theoretical Biology and Biological Theory (theory of biology). Would Conceptual Cartography deal with hyperMaps, where you don't have to traverse space to get somewhere. Maybe hyperMaps, criticalMaps might lead to some interesting hybrid topological structure - between the spatial, associational and prototypical. Topology may offer the occasion for meta-design principles. Maybe we need some kind of Godelized methodology, where you can warp in and out of spatial/associational/nodal 'space.' Space isn't just spatial :). Time isn't just temporal (Ouch).

So visual to aural mapping may not be taking into consideration the different topological demands of 'spaces with unique rules' (unique processes for moving from one point to another). Instead of directly 'mapping' (height to frequency, a to a, b to b), maybe interpretation / translation is required. Interpretation (hermeneutics) is a non-linear process in the extreme (unless you are operating with interpretation methods already well established). AI is moving to AH (artificial hermeneutics) - intelligence and interpretation are both quaiifiedBy Artificial.

So we're back at Herbert Simon's Artificial Sciences.


embodying the neighborhoods and networks of paths and concepts. Hopefully this is interesting enough to inspire others to develop new imaginations of liken; certainly it is to us, and we have many alternate reincarnations in mind...

- ben

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