[-empyre-] April on -empyre- : Border Crossings : UPDATE
April on -empyre- : Border Crossings : UPDATE
Do conceptual art and curatorial practice merge in post digital
cultural production? How are new media art, criticism and curatorial
practice a 'transgressive' ecology"?
This month, please join the artists' group Glorious Ninth (UK),
together with InteractivA 05 artist/curator Raul Ferrara-Balanquet
(MX) and new media artist/editor Eduardo Navas (US) as we consider
cultural production as a border condition, ethically and aesthetically,
locally and internationally, in simultaneously personal and public
From April 15, -empyre- is very pleased to announce that artists from
InteractivA 05 will join us to discuss "Border Crossings" / Blurring
"La Frontera" Some details follow (below) on the project and
“Arte Nuevo InteractivA’05” is a conceptual art piece employing a body
of contemporary new media and new art works, workshops, conferences,
performances, presentation, screening and media labt to create a cross
cultural dialogue and a knowledge production/audience interaction
highlighting the issues, ideas and struggles faced by artists in the
Latin [Luso] American, the Caribbean and the world at large in the post
global/post colonial information age." -- Raul Ferrara-Balanquet
Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet (Cuba/USA/México), Lucrezia
Cippitelli (Italia), Heidi Figueroa Sarriera (Puerto Rico), Raquel
Herrera Ferrer (Spain), Lucas Bambozzi (Brazil), Andres Burbano
(Colombia), Joeser Álvarez (Brazil).
Lucas Bambozzi (Brazil), lbambozzi@comum.com
Born in Brazil, 1965. From 1991 to 1995 was in charge of many
activities in Brazil related to video and new media such as the
ForumBHZvideo an electronic art festival and the video and media art
department at the Museum of Image and Sound of São Paulo. In 1998 he
designed the CD-ROM Jacks In Slow Motion which received the top prize
at the VII Prix Mobius in Paris. Was awarded in 1996 by the Vitae
Foundation Arts Program, one of the most important grants for artists
in Brazil. With the Virtuose fellowship granted by the Ministry of
Culture – Government of Brazil he was a visiting artist at the
CAiiA-STAR Centre – UK [2000 to 2001]. 20th Locarno VideoArt Festival –
First Prize: best video: I Have No Words - Grand Prix de la Ville de
Locarno – Locarno/Switzerland - 2000 Vue Sur Le Docs/Fictions du Réel -
prize for the most innovative work [by Canal +]: O Fim do Sem Fim – FID
Festival Int. du Documentaire – Marseille/France – 2001. In 2003,
Bombazzi received the prize 5º Petrobras Cinema, a commission for a
documentary using digital media (Desmediados) and was granted with the
Sergio Motta Award for New Media Projects to develop an authorial DVD
He has presented his works at international exhibitions such as Backup
»backup_festival.new media in film« - Bauhaus-Weimar – Germany, 2003;
Buenos Aires/Argentina, 2002; Medi@terra Festival 2002 – Feature Length
and Digital categories - Fournos–Culture – Athens/Greece; Tercera
Muestra Internacional de Videoarte - Museo de Arte Moderno de Cartagena
– Cartagena/Colombia, 2002; 25ª BIENAL DE SÃO PAULO - NET-ART BRASIL -
META4WALLS - São Paulo - SP2002; CARLTON ARTS AWARD installation:
POSTCARDS - 15 videoprojections over 15 postcards – São Paulo, 2001;
7TH HABANA BIENNIAL - multichannel videoinstallation: ATÓPICOS
[MISPLACES] – CUBA, 2000; 18º WORLD WIDE VIDEO FESTIVAL - installation:
PRIVATE CONVERSATION – translucent objects + 3 video channels -
videoinstallation: USO PARTICULAR – Museu da Arte Moderna - Porto
Alegre, Brazil, 1999.
url del artista: ttp://comum.com/lucas/
Andres Burbano (Colombia),
Nace en Colombia , 1973, Trabaja escribiendo con video, con texto y a
veces con algo de código; en particular ha desarrollado proyectos
experimentales en la web desde 1996. Interesado en la relación ciencia,
cultura y sociedad. Es profesor de la Universidad de los Andes en
Bogotá, Colombia. Actualmente desarrolla una residencia en el Basic
Research Institut del ZKM [Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie de
Karlsruhe] Alemania.
url del artista:
email: burbano@alleati.com
Lucrezia Cippitelli (Italia)
Editor, film maker, researcher and curator
- 2003/2005 assistant curator, MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte
Contemporanea, Roma
- 05-2002/2005 editor, Luxflux Magazine
- 09/2002 – 02/2004 editor, international Press Agency “Servizi
- 2001/2002 editor, Supereva.it
- as independent editor, publishes on national magazines and
newspapers as “Il Manifesto”, “Il Venerdì”, “Liberazione”, “Europa”,
- Post graduate Fellowship, “La Sapienza” University, Roma:
“Performances in America Latina”;
- “Lampi sull’Avana”, april 2004, Gangemi Editore, Roma
audiovisual projects – as director
- “Gent!/Sogno! – Art in Dakar”, documentary, 30’, colore, May 2004;
- “Con todos y para el bien de todos – The VIII Habana Biennal”,
documentary, 32’, color, November 2003;
- “IraqLuglio03 – Post war in war”, documentary, 30’, color, July 2003;
Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet (Cuba/USA/México),
Born in Havana, Cuba in 1958. MFA, Multimedia and Video Art Department,
University of Iowa, 1992. Interdisciplinary artist, writer, curator
and scholar. Consider as one of the key figure in the Mariel
Generation, Ferrera-Balanquet has exhibited his work at major
galleries, art centers and museum around the world, including the
Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Image and Sound in Sao
Paulo, Brazil, Randolph Street Gallery-Chicago, Brisbane Powerhouse Art
center, Australia, Video IN-Vancouver, Canada, Museo de Arte Actual,
Bogotá, Colombia, Galeria Fort-Barcelona, Spain, Museum of Contemporary
Art in Chicago, Centro de Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona, Spain and
Museum of Contemporary Art (MACAY), Merida, Mexico.
Ferrera-Balanquet is the executive curator of Arte Nuevo InteractivA,
one of the leading new media and cotemporary exhibit in Latin America.
In addition he has organized Inter[ven]cion for the Java Museum in
Cologne, Germany; “Transmigrant Fibers: Latino and Latinamerican
Artists in the Internet” for the Museum of the City of Queretaro,
Queretaro, Mexico; “Huellas de un Corazón Sangrante en Tropicana”,
MIX-Brazil, for the Museum of Sound and Image, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
“Nomadas: Plural Identities in Traveling Territories”, Randolph Street
Gallery, Chicago, Illinois; “Videos That Unmask, Test and Invade the
Colonial System”, Program I, Video In, Vancouver B.C., Canada “La
Ruptura Latino for N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago and the “New Latin
American Cinema in Iowa II”, an international film festival and
conference for The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
In addition to a Fulbright Fellowship, Ferrera-Balanquet has been
awarded grants from FOECAY/CONACULTA, US/Mexico Cultural Fund, Moon
Radio Webtv Commission, The Australian Network of Art and Technology,
the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), The Lyn Blumenthal Video
Foundation, and the Noetic Science Institute/Fetzer Institute. His
writings have appeared in the Australian based The Media Circus Reader,
Artpapers, Radical Teacher, Cinematograph, Felix, the Mexican literary
magazine El Juglar, the Miami based Perra! La Revista, the
British/German art magazine Guest and the Portuguese art magazine
Heidi Figueroa Sarriera (Puerto Rico),
Social Psycologist and professor at the Universidad de Puerto Rico
Recinto de Río Piedras. Her area of investigation centers around the
social cultural representation in the design of Information Technology,
with emphasis on the area of telecommunication and the construction of
subjectivity. She co-edited with Chris Hables Gray The Cyborg Handbook,
NY-London: Routledge(1995); (Más allá de la bella (in)diferencia:
revisión postfeminista y otras escrituras posibles, San Juan, PR,
Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas1994). Dr. Figueroa-Sarriera has published
in a variety of journals, magazines and books and is the editor of the
online magazine TeknoKultura, (http://teknokultura.rrp.upr.edu), as
well as the coordinetor of the interdisciplinary project CMCEP
(Comunicación Mediada por Computadora en el Estudio de la Psicología,
http://www.rrp.upr.edu/cmcep/). She is member of the editorial board
of the International Journal of Critical Psychology, published by
Lawrence & Wishart, Humanidades, published by the Universidad
Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP), Colombia (http://utp.edu.co/~chumanas/)
and Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular
(http://www.iml.annenberg.edu/vectors/public/index.html) published by
the Institute for Multimedia Literacy, University of Southern
California (USC).
Raquel Herrera Ferrer (Spain)
Literary and and audiovisual translator. Hold a BA and Postgraduate
Degree in Audivisual Communication and Art Theory and Criticism.
Additional studies from MACBA, el Centro Multimedia de México D.F., la
Escuela Superior de Diseño (ESDI) y la Universidad Internacional de
Andalucía (UNIA). Author of Tempus Fugit. El relato interactivo, a book
of essay dealing with digital narrative which has won the Firt Prize
for Young Talent at the Computenese University, Madrid, 2002 and Prize
Espais for best unpublished Art Criticism by the Fundación Espais d’Art
Contemporani de Girona (2003). Coordinator next to Antoni Mercader, of
theV Jornadas de Arte y Multimedia Metanarrativas ? (Mediateca
Caixaforum, Barcelona, January 28 y 29, 2005). Publishes reguraly in
the digital magazine Artnodes, specialized in the intersections of art,
science and technology. She has published “ Comunicación Arte con mucho
artificio: subasta de la máquina podrida de Brian Mackern” (II Congreso
Online del Observatorio para la Cibersociedad, November 2004); Sol,
sorolls i andròmines. Crónica Sónar 2004 (Revista digital Artnodes,
UOC, June 2004); Conversación Comissaris, programadors, dissenyadors i
cool hunters: la funció i el llocde la crítica d’art contemporani a
Catalunya with Manel Clot and Ferran Barenblit (Revista digital Plec,
Escola Eina, May-June, 2004); Cinco propuestas para (este) milenio, in
the IV Jornadas sobre Comunicación y Arte Multimedia (Mediateca
Caixaforum, Barcelona, November, 2002); Art Futura Playtime: hagan
juego si pueden (Revista digital Undo, Mexico City, 2002).
Joeser Álvarez (Brasil)
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1962. Graduated in Art History from the
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain. Sculptor, painter, poet,
audiovisual and new media artist. Lives and works in the Amazonia,
Brazil since1982. His work has been shown at 2º Festival Cineamazônia,
Porto Velho, Brazil (2004); Festival Cinesquemanovo, Porto Alegre,
Brazil (2004); 6º Salón de Arte Digital, Havana, Cuba (2004); Cyberart
Bilbao, Spain (2004); 6ª Generative Art, Milan, Italia (2003); Festival
de Arte Digital Rosario, Argentina (2003); Javamuseum, Cologne, Germany
(2003); Wartime Project, London, England, (2003); -10º Canarias
Mediafest, Gran Canaria, Spain (2002); Edupolis Conferenz/v
Globaliserung, Berlin, Germany (2002); 1º Premio El mundo Es/, Arco
Madrid de net art, Madrid, Spain (2001); 5º Focom - Campus Computer
Universidad de Moscow, Russia (2001); -2ª Mostra Internacional
Interpoesia, São Paulo, Brazil (2001).
Eduardo Navas (El Salvador/USA),
Eduardo Navas es un artista inter-disciplinario; su trabajo ha sido
presentado en MACAY, Merida, Yucatan, MX; Centro de Diseño, Cine y
Televisión, Ciudad de México, MX; Artport del Museo Whitney, NY, EE UU;
Turbulence.org, NY, EE UU, entre otros espacios. Ha discutido sus
ideas y
presentado su trabajo durante encuentros y conferencias en el Museo
Tamayo, Cuidad de México; Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires; Museo de
Moderno, Buenos Aires, entre otros lugares. Navas es fundador y editor
contribuyente de Net Art Review, y es miembro co-fundador de acute.cc,
entrelace internacional de artistas y academicos quienes organizan
y publicaciones periodicamente. Es egresado de Otis, escuela de bellas
artes y diseño, Los Angeles, California, EE UU (1998); tiene un
en Bellas Artes del Instituto de Artes de California, Valencia, EE UU
y fué estudiante residente en la Escuela de Pintura Y Esculptura
Maine, EE UU (1998). Actualmente, Navas es docente y consultor en
teoría y
práctica de Bellas Artes en Otis Escuela de Arte y Diseño en Los
Angeles, y
realiza un doctorado en letras con una veca Cota Robles en el
de Historia de Arte y Medios Communicativos, teoría y crítica, en el
programa de Bellas Artes en la Universidad de San Diego en California,
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