Re: [-empyre-] point of reference

--- marcus bastos <> wrote:
> wondering: doesn´t this back and forth movement from
> empyre to blogs
> signal that the web is no longer a network of fixed
> places, but rather
> a bunch of nods that people keep sowing without even
> caring that much
> about eventual central points?

I'm grappling with what seems like a general
statement- "people keep sowing without even caring
that much"- which people, and who doesn't care?  If
you look at the work of the four panelists and the
places that each hae made for himself I'd say there is
a lot of care there.  If you're referring to some
users who start up or join web sites, mailing lists,
and weblogs and abandond them, well, I wonder if that
has more to do with misconceived ideas about the work
and involvement in those ventures rather than whether
or not they really care.

> Can´t this be also
> related to the very
> idea of self and self-centering?

Say more.  What's the distinction is being made here
between self and self-centering?  Is self a kind of
consciousness, and self-centering a kind of
unconsciousness.  Am I confusing the negative term
"self-centered" with "self-centering?"


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