Re: [-empyre-] Cunnilingus in North Korea

Hi Alan,

We've read your poetry on gatesofparadise.

Yes, we're too scared to upload the Korean version of CUNNILINGUS. Bad
things can happen. E-mail to us suggests this.

How do we synch text to sound? Very slowly, and very carefully. Or rather,
did you know that the actual frame-by-frame creation of American cartoon
shows like "The Simpsons" is done in Korea?

As for North Korean culture, there is essentially none to speak of down here
in the South. North Korea remains the true Hermit Kingdom. There is a weekly
late-night TV show here that presents what it can of North Korean culture
and daily life. The slant is upbeat -- Sunshine Policy oblige -- but the
meager footage suggests something sadder. The few images of North Koreans in
"daily life" and "leisure" is very touching, if not heartbreaking. One
cannot help but be drawn to the fringes of what's going on for a glimpse of
the horrible reality up there.

We recall vaguely a North Korean film retrospective at one of the several
festivals here. But the movies were all propaganda. Everyone knows, by the
way, that the Dear Leader is a great movie buff. It seems that the North
Korean movie industry is a national priority, but for internal consumption

On the other hand, South Korea is basically uninterested in North Korean

Young-hae and Marc

On 5/3/05 11:55 PM, "Alan Sondheim" <> wrote:

> Are you really too scared to put the Korean version up?
> The work's terrific - I'm curious how you get your sound timing so
> accurate.
> Btw is there _anything_ coming out of the PRK in terms of culture?
> Anything going on? (beyond the stereotypically obviously and stupidities
> between us and them)
> - Alan
> ( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see )
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> empyre forum

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