[-empyre-] Synaesthesia <> interaction/interleaved mind

Dear list, just noted the discussion re Synaesthesia, I've been very busy
restarting my writing activities after moving house, it was hell, however
things are working again, words are flowing.

During my masters studies at UWS (NSW, Australia) in the late '90's I put
together some interactive audio/visual flash works, see:

part of the motivation came from my understanding of Synaesthesia, how it
worked, why it worked, was it possible to simulate. Not really, but the work
I did was partly an attempt to create a similar effect. The research that I
carried out in prep for the work also uncovered the graphic scores of
composers like Stockhausen, Motta and others, notation that crossed visual
art/mus composition boundaries, these were interesting. The iota site is a
resource for this kind of stuff. Haptics was also something I considered,
but was limited by lack of tech on the web, and cash, it would have been
nice to 'paint' sonically with the fingers.

A couple of books I came across while researching Synaesthesic issues:
SONIC GRAPHICS, seeing sound, Matt Woolman, T&H
Sound and the Visual ARts, Jean-Yves Bosseur
Paul Klee, Painting Music, Prestel

Without some way of cross-wiring the brain, drugs, surgery, Synaesthesia
simply isn't available to people with 'normal' brains. But it would be great
to experience it. Perhaps one could 'teach' the brain/mind to interpret
sensory input in different ways, bionic ears crossed with bionic eyes etc.

I've missed a lot of the discussion so sorry if this mail isn't relevant any

Barrie Collins

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