RE: [-empyre-] "know that control will be chosen"

hallo again-
here's the rub, for me: I have, for instance, a
perfectly coherent foreign policy plotted out, my
spies chosen, my intrigues, wars and cocktail parties-

and yet! Lord Poppycock continues to utterly dominate
the field.


--- Nicholas Ruiz <> wrote:

> Greetings Deborah/all,
> It is a challenge, and a responsibility of thought,
> to consider what we are
> thinking about in its fullness.  To criticize, the
> control of 'going apart,'
> in thought, a 'going apart' from such a 'control
> society,' carries within
> the art of such action the implicit acceptance of
> control of some kind;
> because there is no such space of total entropy.  To
> speak of control or its
> excess is to acknowledge and embody its prescience,
> in which, we all have a
> hand, in terms of its direction and intensity,
> regardless of our station.
> In the end, after the celebration of critique, we
> must choose our control,
> or quite simply, know that control will be chosen
> for us, no?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On
> Behalf Of Deborah Kelly
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 7:50 AM
> To: soft_skinned_space
> Subject: RE: [-empyre-] "a politically realist
> question"
> greetings, Empyre and guests. 
> In response to Nicholas Ruiz the third, 
> please forgive me if I misunderstand:
> why do I need to determine how much martial control
> a
> nation should have or exert, if I dare to question
> that control &, say, its mechanisms?
> I'm not standing for election. No-one with their
> hands
> on, or anywhere near, that kind of power is ever
> going
> to ask me my opinion.
> I don't think it is irresponsible to ask questions
> when you don't know the answers.
> Deborah
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum

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