Re: [-empyre-] Mobile territory
But you are welcome to ally Brian, Simon? Hope that he is not my enemy(?):))
" La surveillance high tech est-elle soluble dans le low tech ?" ² Is the
high tech surveillance soluble in the low tech? ² a piece of information
from (sorry in French):
Being the blog of information by the confluence of the National research
more any associations of research including the co-fundation by a mobile
operator that you will know by clicking here: )
Second: It stays that
Being for my part a persistent materialist and thinking that growing the
entropy of increasing reality of the tech society as representative social
consensus, the proof of the contradictory effect of the material
consistence, at the moment it expresses an inescapable experiment of impact
to the life, edify a critical consciousness that will be an apart event of
autonomous knowledge (even the event of the one but knowledge whatever) some
day later.. . but more becoming a part cognitively collective through the
society of tech/communication (that consists in the paradox of this very
special misculturing society that initializes otherwise all that concern
human representation (emerging from the disappearance of the value ? value
in the Marxist sense of the relationship of equivalence).
So please to pay attention that credit "truth" with meta reflection in
matter of concept that reveals not the concept but the code. All the
contrary is the experiment (can be under the direct or the indirect regime
of experimentation, we are all phenomenologist as contemporary citizens
trying to understand anything different, at the point of emergence of/from
the lost representations): which consensus on the sense of psychogegraphic
experiment? But not psychology. All the contrary being the confidence in the
subjective experiment that will be never completely transparent between each
one but really crediting each one in common. What is early situationism to
be both for a part hermetic for a part socially obvious and still
'predictive ?' visionary could not be a relevant quotation to evocate
Instead of seing the complexity, I am afraid that may be your analysis would
turn suddenly into analogy and ideology as mediate discourse of the tech
mobility and subsequences (that is exactly the problem of contemporary
journalism playing currently the misunderstanding of analogy that effects,
voluntarily or unvoluntarily, misinformation as fake culture). I do not tell
that it would exist pure culture, I think that the culture of nowadays is
not a culture (that would call symbolic pacts which anymore do not exist)
but consensual codes of which all of us are the subjects. Whatever there is
no more modern culture, in the sense that, at the moment the concept of
truth emerging of the chain of relationships from the critical political
economy of the production, is over passed by the moving sources, modes, and
distribution, of surplus; missing the former pacts of the productive
intervenient actors is not a reason to be revisionist of the actual by the
former rules, or acting the fake culture of the new configuration such as a
new event of the truth.
? don't credit the reference of New Babylon (that is both a critical social
concept as well a critical philosophic concept: so very precise) with
interpretations from meta arguments to affect our self mobility through the
mobility of New Babylon ?being our self mobility. We are not citizen under
observation of doctors but reactive citizen in regard of an heritage from
the revolutionary autonomy as proper knowledge. So when I talk of homeopathy
it is our self critical consistence as vaccine (not analogy ?'prophylaxis',
'psychology' ?that pretends to credit the explanation by a truth coming from
the collective consensus of the language? but metaphor: that calls a mental
exercise to imagine what it is said to understand the logic idea in distance
with the truth). Not the cause of the law nor that one of the expert, not
that one of medical prevention by specialists, not that one of the power. As
soon you go ahead, nobody will be considered relevant when radically
contesting the civil nuclear from an integrated philosophical/social
conviction (that is not belief but trusting a defy) ?just to quote another
I'm afraid you make a sauce (why not? But not pretend to discern what from
this point to tribute each one).
Just more:
The topic of my post had the object to evocate the autonomous comportment
that could born front of such realities, more the synchronous increase of
the privatization of Internet with the increasing connected mobility (wifi/
phone) that apparently were not yet noted here.
Tribute by experimental relationship pleading a cartridge prediction to the
disconnected mobiles:
I imagine that you have still noticed how mostly of your own phone
correspondents yet now switch on their mobile. That indicates all the
contrary of the early time of the mobile phone that the actual
representative mobile is not the one of the permanent connection even
staying representative of the mobility. So that you must leave a message and
wait till your correspondent will call back... If you have any questions you
receive the answer that he/she is in meeting or anyway too much busy for
being available at the moment you call. But sometimes you will hear of the
tiredness caused by the permanent connexion which prevents the availability
of the life. And more speaking you will hear of the disagreement to resent a
following impression to be known and done in all his/her self mobility
whatever the place they are, can be the street, can be the office, can be
home, can be his/her lovers, can be a very secret and private singularity in
the city place, and so on... The traceability of his/her movements, even
with a telephone put in disconnection whatever is following you: that is
cool for the security of grandma or grandpa but not for he or her selves...
Mostly of my own friends between the ones who are not activist, who were
crazy users of the mobile telephony in the past years cannot support
actually this following idea doubling their life ?they say.
Fronting such arguments I am afraid that the one of narcissism can be the
self narcissism can be the concept of narcissism in an essay as objection
may be unvailable may be available depending the internal relevance of the
discourse on the city, but it will not stay ahead so long as inescapable
Concerning Wifi: any friends who work at home have choose the Wifi
connection to prevent the forest of threads, of cables and of connectable
grips... But some of them pretend they would resent current headaches that
they did not feel before and another ones tell that at last they are more
and more anxious of their babies just walking through the law frequency as a
very near source in their home increasing the impact of the general
environment of low frequency in the city.
The movement of synchronous increase of the privatization of Internet linked
with the development of the tech mobility:
It is on one hand the creation of leader universes as bubble in Internet,
that already appears to tense for totality (presenting each one as singular
tautology of Internet) and I quoted: MySpace from Murdoch group; because
MySpace can actually make it most popular by an easy and well informed
interface integrating musics and more any tribute of creators and why not in
a sort of pop stars... Jumping into the evil?'homeopathy: (double evil: if you cannot hear
"soulève-moi" a maso hetero song ?that I enjoy so much knowing the
progression of this edition since four years? click on "standal one player"
and you'll got it. It is a sort of pop rock remembering the best Gainsbourg,
but original by Elli (former punk of Stinky toys;-) produced by excellent
Daho... Whatever she has linked her proper auto-editorial blog on free
source LoGz: : double view that soon will be
the one very view by entering the web through this extensive bubbles, or no
view of your proper sites outside if they will not be linked inside?
But I could give you a lot more examples of contemporary artists in it...
We have known itunes at the beginning, but itunes not being the connected
mobility but emergent disconnected mobility from the unmobile connection.
Soon they had a contract with the mobile operator Motorola. You have th
worst yet now announced by microsoft with an alliance on the object of
control the copy.
I have discovered at the occasion of an Internet price being the last one in
FR, that it was entirely dedicated to the portals of the allied operators of
the mobile telephony in prospective declaration (during the ceremony) to
have next an exclusive mode of recognition of the work online through their
connected mobility as portal for a lot of services leading the mode of
connection to internet; ignoring to have subscribed in one of them, you
cannot present your site. These portals are shops called "gallery;-)
,3245028-VU5WX0lEIDYx,00.html Bouyghes telecom SFR (something soundind the same in the interface:
don't you think?) (motorola)
And so on...
On the other hand you cannot have miss the disappearance of site books
online. As pointed to me to me the artist developer of the free sources that
I talked about Elli Medeiros, blog that I use myself on criticalsecret,
André Lozano who is very attentive to the free Internet, that he knows since
the beginning of the public Web in France.
But the last of the apotheosis of the free democracy by the blogs: the web2
does not need Beta marks so the beta marks have become an inactive language
with the search engines. Yet they are fossil marks in a sort...
A next day your site will not be more found on Internet but through these
portals. And when the tech enjoyment of the mobile connection will be over
passed by inescapable accident or self revolt front of the consequences, it
will be too much late to run again for your free publication largely
communicated by Internet: because those named "vectors" ( McKenzie Wark )
will have stolen it and along the years by making play the laws to protect
their exclusive property of the space of communication. That's right? That's
not control?
When the genius of Linux installs the administrations of the States even the
most far from the human rights, that is whatever a consecration of the
inescapable construction of the free software, are you really sure that tech
guarantees of the free rights but only that one of the software, being
disconnected of the social pact of the symbolic former disposition of the
world, or do you see that free software cannot self revolt as machine?
On 28/09/06 2:30, "Simon Taylor" <> probably wrote:
> There seems to be a tendency to limit discussion of mobile telephony to the
> "main stories told by capitalism to itself to help it sleep at night"
> (Marina Vishmidt), narratives which rely on the exclusion of events and
> exceptions, even as they are told from different and often competing
> viewpoints - against a background of paranoid fear regarding the potential
> totalisations/globalisations of any one viewpoint. For instance,
> privatisation itself is not a selfconsistent bloc: it is a danger in
> specific cases - and ought to induce fear - but not a continuum.
> (Forgive me, Aliette, I don't seek to misrepresent your argument, but am
> simplifying and citing privatisation as an instant of a, if I may, milieu,
> which includes the complicity of media art with privatised media.)
> The prophylactic use of cells I see at night on Ponsonby Road is one answer
> to a more general social anomie - the passive-aggressive quality in my home
> city's psychogeography. I think there is an assumption in mapping mobile use
> against the city - a mobility-mediatrics haunted by the circulation-city of
> transportation and mass private ownership of cars - of the cell as
> extending, in the extent of its use worldwide, only a particular city (New
> Babylon, perhaps), which it organises according to a singular rule: a glocal
> architecture. This assumed 'New Babylon' reflects "the minor narcissistic
> alienation of the middle classes" (Brian Holmes), which can further be
> qualified, and is so often as to make it appear an overcompensation, as
> white and privileged.
> Practices that use cells to ends and purposes for which they were not
> intended - perhaps wrongly called detournements - whether 'artistic' or
> engendered in corporate R&D and endorsed in boardrooms both serve equally to
> give the lie to the notion of an utterly consistent planular field. They
> offer some relief to the map, if not any resistance, by delineating,
> defining areas of engagement and deployment, by deterritorialising and
> reterritorialising. For example, the regadgetising of the cell, notably by
> Nokia, as a webbrowser, an entrypoint to the net, points to the shortcomings
> of the mobile in fulfilling its role as a communications device. Since,
> given the continuing preference of face-to-face meetings among
> businesspeople, the strategy at work here is to sell to the converted,
> something new but not radically so - it is a lateral manoeuvre in the
> deployment of market strategy, a tactic.
> Where the cell is gaining predominance as the preferred communications
> medium - I understand from the media! - is in territories which do not fit
> the fully urban western white middleclass assumption, and often areas
> lacking copperwire infrastructures. West Africa, for example, where the cell
> is invaluable as a price-gauging tool for small businesses and primary
> producers, for discovering relative prices at different marketplaces, so
> finding out where it's best to sell. The competition for this 'market' is
> not of serious strategic interest so there would seem to be practical
> reasons for promoting connectivity via cell, indeed, its self-promotion as
> practical.
> Sorry to go on but one further point: the repackaging of the cellphone - its
> provision with more media devices, and its gearing towards the net as
> towards recording and playback - relies on the fetish status I alluded to in
> an earlier post - so specifically in this regard, as a fetish, sites itself
> fully within the set of endocolonial assumptions to which I've taken Marina
> Vishmidt's "main stories..." as an index.
> Yours
> simon taylor
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