[-empyre-] Performative biology

dean wilson deanwilson9 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 15:07:55 EST 2007

"immortalized cells in a cell line enacting an interminable, unhuman
performance art piece ... "

Tell us about the affections of the audience, the proverbial tree in
the woods, or whether the cell line might be hyperbolic, circular,
reflected in space, remembered.


On 10/25/07, Eugene Thacker <eugene.thacker at lcc.gatech.edu> wrote:
> Dean's comment raises another issue - the triangulated relationship between
> poetics, biology, and performance. So-called bio art often incorporates the
> performantive (if not performance art) into its practices...some art critics
> have discussed bio art in terms of body art of the '60s...Of course a number of
> laboratory techniques/pratices can be regarded as performative (I like the idea
> of immortalized cells in a cell line enacting an interminable, unhuman
> performance art piece...).
> -Eugene
> Quoting dean wilson <deanwilson9 at gmail.com>:
>  Sally, I hope your apology isn't for your earlier post. Eugene and
>  Judith are both performing artists and their books should inform media
>  and technology anthropologists. I personally think there is no better
>  analogy than drumming for the concept of code.
>  Dean
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