[-empyre-] Mez, Lichty & SL - taking the bait.

mez breeze netwurker at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 08:08:45 EST 2008

just skinning this in as the shut_down discussion mechanism takes hold.....

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Patrick Lichty <voyd at voyd.com> wrote:
> 'soft_skinned_space'
>  Hi Mez, I'll take the tactical bait - "LEVEL THREE - BEGIN".
>  (Let's see how I do on this level...


>  >Is this presenting + publishing _about_ ur usage/experiences/creativity >in SL? Just wondering if u r seeking 2 validate ur SL manifestations >within traditional prosperity channels [socioeconomic/literary etc]?
>  Socioeconomic, certainly not.  If I were into the creation of capital I would have gotten an MBA. But most of the writing has been about writing about others and SL in general, about 80% of the writing and presentation has had SF as momentary examples, and were mainly requests for journals and catalogue essays.

sure. my qs was basically 2 ascertain if u r attempting a projection
of ur synth experiences along trad channels [4 wotever reasosn]...i'm
interested in this as a reality cross-over in terms of

>  I also think that there is a big difference between the entrepreneurs, the gallery artists and experimenters.  Personally, the promotional tack taken by the SLART artists is just not my taste, or if I did, it would be a social experiment, and not a long-term endeavor.


>  In addition, there is the delicate line of commodification; economic or social.  My belief is that I'm not as opposed as I once was, but this has never been my #1 goal.  I have always believed in _trying_ to do work (media & writing) as a contribution to the ongoing dialogue; to contribute to the community.

a fantastic goal...on some lvls, my creativity pushes 2wards this as
well...+ tinkering with the v concepts of _community_, _dialogue_, +

>  But if you're asking the question as to whether I'm merely trying to "sell out"/capitalize, I'm going to roll my eyes and say, "Oh, come on..."  It's nice to have some recognition, but the Second Front/Thomas Kinkaide collection calendar is coming out NEXT year.

i wasn't asking that qs, no....i perceive interplays a bit otherly,
with polarisations such as 'sell_outs' not really configuring highly
on my curiosity scale?

>  >So ur gauging the categorisation of "performance art" in SL by a
>  >conscious recognition/labelling of it as such? I'm curious as 2 how u
>  >assess SF as the singular performance troupe in SL given the depth of
>  >user population + aggregated sense of how broadly _performance_ can be
>  >defined.
>  Very good question.  I'm gauging this by 2007 contemporary art mass media recognition, which is very odd, as SF in itself pursued very little of it.
>  I am most definitely NOT discounting other definitions of performance; but from a phenomenological perspective, the definition I am using in _this instance_ (I believe in locally agreed/negotiated/contextualized definitions whenever necessary), is one used by scholars like Goldberg and the contemporary art press.  Bridging genres and practices is a difficult process.

sure [there's at least a dozen buzzing qs leaping from this; but i'm
curbing my multilogue tendency as the mods have indicated its wrap_up

>  It would be very good to see discourse on alterative types of performance in press other than Neural.it and Art.it (more avant- publications). But when you have a contemporary art crowd that often strains to understand New Media, it's a challenge.

agreed totally. i'm [predictively] hopefully that genre_melt [via
clustered aggregational forms] will propel documentation of such
beyond present methods  [a discourse ARG perhaps? lets do it!;)]

>  I feel that SF's function is more dialogic/parodic; Cao Fei, 10010010001101010.org, etc - these are artists who are most definitely working in the "traditional prosperity channels".  It's very interesting to see this sort of comment, as I believe we are more of a Warholian "Art is what you can get away with" stance (which I also think Cory Arcangel, MTAA & Marisa Olson do a little bit as well), as much of what SF does is fairly ludicrous, yet oddly viral, or so it seems.

typing 4rm an entity that exists mostly in sunken non_"art" pathways +
[almost] anti_recognition byways, this type of parody/humor angle u
[functionally] emphasize makes an encompassing amount of
sense....[read: lolcats as symbolic of a profound
c(ommunication)ultural subversion]...

>  >This again prompts issues alluded 2 back in the aug discussion + also
>  >the beginning of this round - if indeed the very concept of _art_
>  >adequately reflects the situation c[reative]urrencies that r being
>  >consistently generated within these type of augmented platforms?
>  Yes, and I'm not entirely sure it does.

ok. as i've said previously, my tangenting can present in
communication squiggles not really appropriate 4 a flattened_typed
discourse. my apologies for that.

thx 4 this last_min 2+4ro-ing pat.
+ thx all 4 this month's discussion[s].
+ lastly, good luck mel!

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