[-empyre-] Wired sustainability and Ambient Media

G.H. Hovagimyan ghh at thing.net
Fri Apr 11 22:09:19 EST 2008

> Ambient media occupies the forefront of new media practices.

What do you mean "ambient media."   Is it for example sound art?   
I've done a series of morph still life that run on flat screens.  I  
called them ambient video. does that fit? http://nujus.net/gh_04/ 
gallery10.html  Recently I met Miguel Chevalier. he doe large scale  
projections of computer generated flora--

Does his work fit your definition of ambient media?  My friend &  
colleague in France - Peter Sinclair has made a sound art work that  
reacts to the movement of the auto you are driving in an generates  
sounds  --- http://nujus.net/peterhomepage/autosync/autosync.html

Is this ambient media?

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