[-empyre-] the hegemonic

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Mon Aug 25 08:16:32 EST 2008

dear all:

Marc wrote:
Many artists who were once 
net artists have taken the decision to move away from making work that 
is specifically for the Internet, and have adapted their practice to 
reflect in their work an ecologically conscious remit, as individuals or 

I think the discussion started out being about (independent?) organisations, their formation,  and the curatorship of new media arts or digital media/performance  (as a speciific practice or genre vis a vis more established fields), and recently we discussed the sustainability of the digital arts and internet based networks or platforms as such as well as the audiences that independent organisations or venues or groups can generate or believe to be generating.  In your last comment, Marc, you mention a shift amongst net artists that you observe..... can you give a couple of examples of what is meant by 'ecologically conscious', and where do they shift to (in terms of venues or means of production or content?  

What do the organisers and curators amongst this discussion group think about interactive/participatory media practices and how they "adopt" new audiences?  

Incidentally, talking about content:
At the Leipzig Games Convention 2008 last week there was a symposium (Games Convention Developers Conference) during which it was announced that the German cultural funding council now includes "games" as a medium amongst the various artistic categories that can apply for public funding, making games comparable to "earlier" media such a film. (Die Befürworter einer öffentlichen Förderung argumentieren, dass ein Medium unabhängig von den vorherrschenden Inhalten gefördert werden müsse = "Those arguing on behalf of public cultural funding for games suggest that a medium needs to receive funding support irrespective of contents" ). Nor sure how to translate "vorherrschend", it sounds like "dominant contents" or hegemonic contents, which is not entirely clear to me except if i interpret it to mean that films (or art) represent a dominant medium.   Is this a McLuhanesque turn on medium is the content./message? 

I think CRUMB was involved in curating a games exhibition a while back, if i remember.  But games surely are hegemonic, no?  

Johannes Birringer

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