[-empyre-] answers and comments

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Thu Aug 28 02:17:19 EST 2008

Hi Marc, and all;

thanks for your extensive response and these examples.  there is much to reflect.

You mention Heath Bunting in passing, and i remember hearing him give a presentation on his illegal border crossings, those journeys were linked/documented on the web, i am not sure whether the BorderXrossing site is still active  (  http://status.irational.org),   
At that presentation he gave, there were also talks by George Legrady   (his catalog of found objects is at http://www.mat.ucsb.edu/~g.legrady/glWeb/Projects/fo/found_obj.html)
and, fascinatingly, by Ewen Chardronnet,  a tactical media researcher linked to the activities of the MakroLab by Slovene artist Marko Peljhan.   he was involved ina project called Planete Laboratoire and also "Star City" ( http://www.orbit.zkm.de/?q=node/290)

In Brasil i remember the activities of the group Corpos Informáticos  (www.corpos.org), and their interest in the body and performance interventions (networked/telematic) might interest some of you; their latest on site installation was in Rio de Janeiro (http://cubobranco-br.blogspot.com/2008/06/bia-medeiros-e-corpos-informticos.html) this past June & July.

Having attended some smaller and some larger media arts festivals over the years (CYNETart in Dresdem, Cyberarts Boston, DEAF/Rotterdam, etc), i wonder whether we have an overview/info site to look at the media arts festivals or workshops that might happen the year round, in the east and west, north and south.  I remember the Arnolfini did a collaborative project with Australian media arts centers a little while back. Is Location One still operative in New York?   how do we relate locally to "our" media arts venues, or generate such, and how do we relate globally to others that we might now of,  is there exchange, cooperation?   is there a "festival curcuit" as it exists in the "hegemonic" disciiplines?  or to follow Marc's suggestions, and Bill's good comment, are there new developments that are too diversified and unclassifiable to "make sense" and be told (as a discourse) as a form that can be institutionalized?   Your list of examples, Marc, is rather eclectic, isnt' it?  which is beautiful, but does not answer Anna's question about sustainability.  But the notion of sustainabibility in itself is open to questioning as well. 

Johannes Birringer
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