[-empyre-] creative interventions in the borderlands

naxsmash naxsmash at mac.com
Wed Jun 4 03:41:47 EST 2008

Hi Irina, We are continuing until June 7...

On Jun 3, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Irina Contreras wrote:

> is it really supposed to be over?
> hmmm....
> thanks for yer sexy sharing!
> xo
> --- On Sun, 6/1/08, lotu5 <lotu5 at resist.ca> wrote:
>> From: lotu5 <lotu5 at resist.ca>
>> Subject: [-empyre-] creative interventions in the borderlands
>> To: "soft_skinned_space" <empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
>> Date: Sunday, June 1, 2008, 2:32 PM
>> Ah damn, its june 1st, so I guess this month's awesome
>> topic is over. It
>> looks like you all had a lively discussion. I was hoping to
>> have the
>> time during this month to join the discussion, but thesis
>> writing took
>> all of my attention. Sorry for the very late intervention!
>> If I had had time, I would've written something about
>> the projects I've
>> been working on, namely Sharing is Sexy [
>> http://sharingissexy.org ] ,
>> which is a queer open source porn laboratory, which I see
>> as a creative
>> form of biopolitical resistance to control over bodies
>> through the free
>> proliferation of images of new genders and sexualities and
>> through
>> community building online and offline.
>> If I had more time, I would've also written about the
>> Boredom Patrol of
>> the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army [
>> http://circasd.org and
>> http://youtube.com/lotu5 ] , which I was a part of, and our
>> use of
>> imagination and the figure of the clown as a way to disrupt
>> and subvert
>> the plane of conflict created by the network of
>> anti-immigrant forces
>> around the San Diego / Tijuana border, including
>> paramilitaries like the
>> Minutemen, but also ICE, police, etc.
>> The basis for these projects has been, in my opinion, to
>> find a way to
>> use desire and pleasure as a basis for political struggle,
>> to find
>> methods of resistance which fulfill our desires instead of
>> always
>> draining our energies.
>> One of the main forms of "intervention" that
>> these projects use is
>> online public space, on YouTube or in porn, as a way of
>> interjecting
>> some disturbance into the massive flows of media already
>> occurring
>> there, trying to go to where people's attention already
>> is focused.
>> Although the Boredom Patrol's intervention also occurs
>> in physical
>> spaces where the Minutemen are.
>> Both of these projects have also been presented in various
>> artistic
>> contexts, at universities, in galleries and in artistic
>> publications and
>> events.
>> I have great respect for many of the groups and people
>> who've posted
>> this month, and I hope to be able to revisit the discussion
>> in the near
>> future.
>> If you have any questions, or ties to the discussion,
>> I'm happy to respond!
>> thanks,
>>  lotu5
>> -- 
>> gpg:  0x5B77079C // encrypted email preferred
>> gaim/skype: djlotu5 // off the record messaging preferred
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Christina McPhee

PO Box 7063
Los Osos, CA 93412 USA

Department of Film and Digital Media
University of California at Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

001 805 459 4939
skype:  naxsmash

naxsmash at mac.com

christina mcphee


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