[-empyre-] a found poem since we are on the subject of spam

ampat varghese varghese elf_asura at rediffmail.com
Sun Jun 29 12:11:59 EST 2008

I wonder why you would not consider the poem as "literary"!
Ampat V Varghese
Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 sdv at krokodile.co.uk wrote :
>It's not the 'spam' (Jeremy's " algorithmically identified 
>unwanted messages")  that makes one insecure,  its the fact that 
>within the examples of art from 'found art' to the 'distributed 
>fiction' simply vanish into the category of unwanted junk 
>generated by the market economy.  The question of whether the 
>ethics and tactics of digital artists working around the creation 
>of unwanted messages really provide 'rich material for examining 
>the creative possibilities that already exist for resisting, 
>redesigning and critiquing digital culture' (david rodowick) 
>remains unanswered, perhaps it is unanswerable.
>I suspect that a law of equivalence applies,  if my two-task spam 
>engine reads it as spam then it is spam,  which is to say that if 
>the two-task spam engine reads the unwanted message as junk then 
>it is junk. Similarly if it reads the messages as not-junk then 
>the human reader has to decide how such messages should be 
>treated in the future. For the engine is designed to filter 
>messages similarly to way I would filter the scanning texts in 
>the philosophy section of my local bookshop or library. The 
>equivalence of  messages junk and non-junk should go without 
>saying - where Jeremy suggests that "wouldn't connect that 
>potential controversy directly to market economies..." marks the 
>difference for how can anything here avoid the social ? and how 
>can the following work " I personally might head towards the 
>ethical discourses over hoaxes...."
>As time passes and our software agents filter things more and 
>more effectively...
>Christina McPhee wrote:
>>seems like starting with an action verb is the beginning of the 
>>map--  could track  be! become! Put! Get! Last! into flickr, 
>>mapping to  tourist 'locations" !
>>On Jun 25, 2008, at 8:52 PM, Nanette Wylde wrote:
>>>here is a little found poem, that is, each line is from the  
>>>'subject' of spam in my inbox. it is a 'remix' of sorts.
>>>it's not too smart. i'm not sure if it qualifies as literary. 
>>>but i  hope it might amuse you.
>>>i've also been wondering if this 'spam' isn't making you guys 
>>>feel  just a little insecure (the counterpart to the 14 year 
>>>old waifs in  the fashion magazines). hmmmm. perhaps that is a 
>>>topic of another  month on empyre.
>>>Man Spam: Fantastic pole for you or Envy is the opposite of 
>>>Does your penis size ruin your life?
>>>Bid adieu to your bad luck in love
>>>Regain your attractiveness as a man
>>>Attract more hot women
>>>Be an object of all women's craving
>>>Become an unexcelled lover
>>>Be admired for your true male merits
>>>Aim at new love victories
>>>Waste no further time
>>>Get rid of this weakness
>>>Allow yourself some luxury
>>>Put an end to your love failures
>>>Get more pleasure in love
>>>Personalize your inner desire
>>>Experience new heights of pleasure
>>>Last longer in bed
>>>Nights full of passion are near
>>>Infinite sexual pleasure for your woman
>>>She'll never laugh at you no more
>>>Last longer and pump harder here
>>>Amend your problem of small dimension
>>>Surplus in inches is absolutely necessary
>>>Make it longer and more powerful
>>>Make it large and steady as a rock!
>>>Fondle all her internal nerve endings
>>>(What they don't want you to know what it does to your body)
>>>What a real man dreams about
>>>Love making need not be boring
>>>Awaken the monster in her
>>>Greater pleasure for you
>>>You don't forget it
>>>Luck has nothing to do with the games they play
>>>Feel proud that you're a real man
>>>Enjoy the sex life you deserve
>>>Dance in the sheets all night long
>>>Batteries included
>>>empyre forum
>>>empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>>Christina McPhee
>>PO Box 7063
>>Los Osos, CA 93412 USA
>>Department of Film and Digital Media
>>University of California at Santa Cruz
>>1156 High Street
>>Santa Cruz, CA 95064
>>001 805 459 4939
>>skype:  naxsmash
>>empyre forum
>>empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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>empyre forum
>empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au

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