[-empyre-] Critical secret

Jennifer Flores Sternad jf at post.harvard.edu
Wed May 7 10:16:37 EST 2008

I'm re-posting this, at Aliette's request.
(and thank you, Aliette, for sending this!)


 Hello my Friends, Hello Jennifer, I am so pleased to meet you, I hope
 that you'll read me in my vain tentative of English writings and
 sometimes in French! Hello dear Christina! Hello Melinda! Hello all
 Empyre subscribers! My silence was from two singular facts --
 criticalsecret is so much independent that it is a real cause of
 receiving attacks sometimes under the tracks of false friends who ever
 create the diversion on eventual personal problems by the way of
 masking the metapolitical question which is the very cause -- but we
 stay, so don't care of it.

 The question is that in matter of criticism through the virtual
 narrative we work with an impact on bare life.

 That marks the question of the power in a dual zone as the typographic
 and graphic contents in between of the code which allows to publish
 them online: the code is the track of power through the question of
 the rule; the corporatist protection which can become radically
 unethics by excess of ethic  -it is the real danger among us all
 because even friends claiming they are free but can become the subject
 of maffiosos or counter-revolutionary negotiations against the free
 use of the editorial applications emerging from their proper code.
 That presents a real danger of impact to the social and critical

 I think that three notes can explain the changing situation in matter
 of realistic Arts from the Web:

 -- The narrative expression coming from the generalization of the
 media language has founded an organic structural disposition of the
 common understanding through the virtual games.
 By this way, some yars ago In "modern" expression, what was inadequate
 to Web Art as renewng modernity seen under the question of the
 transparency of the code -as criterion of purity from the structure
 free of "anecdotes"  -such the narrative which seemed to come from the
 analogical inheritance, currently is totally reversed today: because
 of the two-tier allocation of the code, being also the translator of
 the flow inherent to the function of on-line interactive communication
 which has made its entropy... But much more, this entropy of the media
 language (applied by a generative -predictive -way) to any simulation
 or reproduction of the world or its imaginary domains) is integrated
 even now as a meta media language into a cognitive critical structure
 of the social attitude, by monologue or multi-dialog being the proper
 diverse strategy generalized of these games.
 This situation appoints a new emergent territory of the relevant
 criticism in the narrative adaptations from the virtual languages, can
 be to the displeasure from the creators of code (even of publishing
 software as blogs) today.

 -- That is a revolution beyond any notion of modernity -what regards
 the question of the technical and social progress as foundating
 concepts of the State power . From this point of view: be
 revolutionary, does it pursue to have a sense? And if yes: which one?
 My personal conviction is that being revolutionary opening the future
 -but not a project of future, just the possibility of
 predictable/unpredictable future - at the moment concerns something
 a-topian (as well a-topic) as both: the insubordination, the
 otherness, the freedom of expression under all its ways of narration
 (extreme ultraliberalism of the narrative expression, in a sense), as
 social permanent revolution from the stories (even of materialist
 realities) in place of history: subversion beyond the signs,
 pluri-syntaxes under the generalized structural disposition of
 media-game languages, as new illusion of the post-humanist world.
 Because this is the very abstracted shape of the social thought at the
 act of the society today. Where consists a dynamic impact of the media
 languages from the virtual meta universe to the bare life moving.
 It is exactly why the site of which I am the publisher and the
 curator, which meta-politically works at the interference of the
 narrative and material critical universes, but exclusively Web
 emergent (and not activist to tech-publishing) can disturb the rule; I
 am far from being the only one having become very controversial
 previously, almost in spite of us, an inexplicable target of stakes in
 power on Web, today.
 Because we show a way of the narration to unverifiable cultural
 expression (can being uncultural) of social languages both
 economically and conceptually. Free line nowaday as a fable of the
 unverifiable consequence -not as activist army criticizing the power,
 but precarious citizen-butterfly pretending to play its proper
 narrative freedom as proof of interference onto the yet post media
 society in the vectoral chaos.
 Can be fiction but fiction being its proper and self-referent truth:
 that is a real danger in the globalizing universe of the projects
 --any power at the moment if it is the resource to make real the

 -- There can be no more aesthetic relevant from this set. No aesthetic
 depending of its appearent generalization. Just a question of
 relevance of the media languages between their protagonists Just a
 generalization of ethics as entropy of the aesthetic through the false
 disappearing of the ethics.
 At this point: is social dynamism in permanent revolution from the
 people even the countries where the society of class persists as well
 a feodal situation opportunatly convenient to the globalization as
 well a tradition from the people in fight by  requesting a narrative
 thread:  would the have really one interest in aesthetic diposition of
 their own communication --as self organisation? I think: none.
 Aesthetic is the disposition of the power: State, Party, Field, and so
 on. For the best It is the one of the avant-gardist presentation of
 the historical times (at my view), not the organic dispositive of the
 pragmatic activism in real times: that is fiction. Because fiction is
 not aesthetic but its radical contrary, its radical evil. The evil of
 illusion as reality beyond the value: but self argued -- and relative
 but real truth.
 So: what is active in matter of naration here and there? That could be
 the proper question.
 Which common appearences (from the random disposition or from the
 cognitive disposition) between South American  diverse fights and
 North America brotherness or totherness, could appear as mediatic
 singularity from the cultural or artistic critical arts -- but
 emergent activist sociality on the site to tribute its communication
 out of it?


 Why to play the productivity of the political common criticism by the
 way that sexual productivity from the libidinal economy of sexual
 liberation has just taught us that it could drive to the ideology of
 sexual domination and allow the renewal of the sexual vilolence, as
 well the convenient peacetime practices, as well the authorized
 wartimes practices -after the humanist times? --Quote the emergent
 criticism from the feminist debate round MoMa Queens critical
 exhibition from 40 years of post-modern femnism " WACK! "

 Liberalism as ideology following the natural organization of the
 society is a hard inheritage after the disappearing progressive
 society;-) There is no alternative solutions to dialectically credit
 this sort of collective entropy becoming an argued project, at the
 moment the political economy is realized by the vectoral organization.
 So may be that we have to play otherness as unproductive diverse out
 of projects and impose it as active nonsense to be published
 powerfully, byt the way toi request real tech solidarities and means,
 in which resides our narrative critical freedom of expression?

 The vital metapolitical question of the critical relevance from this
 new dispositive concern the tech-power inheritated from the magical
 xml Web2 given by the blogs and by the metablogs to the free
 publishers, as well in matter of multimedia and broadcasting supports
 as in textual supports of their narrative independence to be viewed
 online without delay, can be scanned by the crawlers, can be diffused
 through RSS. All the contrary, the fashion of html4 and more and the
 concept of the future organization in communities of the future iPv6
 of the web do not appeart at my eyes as the appropriate way of the
 permanent revolution:)

 To finish as example to tribute from my own experiment, I want just to
 say that the last issue is MAFIA_PIERRE BONGIOVANNI, a self-fiction as
 documentary with an integral English translation of the radio
 That is a critical line opened by a video prologue from Mali and
 closed by a video epilogue from Oaxaca... with an impact to Live
 contemporary Art through a critical relationship between Pierre
 Bongiovanni's voice, and his silent minimalist videocasting as tracks
 from any place in the moving world since 1994. He wrote it at the
 moment he was fighting against French administation where any would
 try to detroy him as artist and as curator regarding his project of
 Mediatheater out of Paris (that was an "administrative crime" to the
 central organisation of the Cultural Sate affairs). Now he is right ok
 out of this project but very well feeling. The creation he made at the
 former moment -- exactly the one i was ok to publish at this moment
 but not able to do it cause 'opportnunate ennemy called "pishing" to
 make unprobable the publishing on my server --  is flaming persistiing
 as for its different subjects. He was so much patient to wait that I
 can be ready fot the publication: what we have done last. But not
 without a lot of new outside problems that became revealed as  inside
 partnership problems obviously linked in objective alliance with
 outside interests agains o r powerfull independence of publication and
 of information on the web.

  I love with my heart  this line of podcast opened on the world that
 Pierre B. has crossed. I could not imagine that such a line could
 suffer from attacks with large impact as well the blog, as well my
 personnal work to install it by managing the optionnal fields od the
 interactive admin, -- which is no more in rule immediatly -- more on
 the server (changing the sources and the datas to be stolen, more
 stolening our referer -if we have good reasons to know from whom, we
 do not know to which credit but we presume of it in the mini
 vectoralist field of Fr cultural and art publishing online, that is
 not the web of creation but information as strategic relay of other
 acts, even not being so great but having money which does not allow
 the following independence-)
 But that was the fact in real whatever it appeared to come from (may
 be false friends in the mood of the nostalgy from the dialectical
 times are sleeping among us).

 Dedicated prologon to Mali and dedicated epilogon to Oaxaca.

 May be the code Maker cannot accept a metapolitical impact of the
 independent powerful use which we have made in narrative solutions to
 tribute our critical common environment? May be I am Anarchist and his
 is Leninist -- the replay of the Spanish civil war -- that they have
 losted thanks the effect of the stalinian exclusion?:)))

 May be all that I try to explain will appear out of subject or
 opportunate presenttation of our work. But it is the very way I could
 begin to tell directly tell of our real fight online, that is real,
 that is hard, even indirectly concerning the serious impact of the
 bare societies in fight, but somewhere both allied in all our
 cognitive acts solidarly linked here and there, hope to my next good
 communication on the proper thematic.

 Sorry of my desastrous English speaking. My next message will be in French;-)

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