[-empyre-] to brazil with love
brian whitener
iwaslike at hotmail.com
Thu May 22 23:53:44 EST 2008
hi all,
sorry for the absence. internet access has been a bit difficult this last days.
these are a few questions for hilan and fabiane: what does it mean to work in an errorist manner?can you send examples from the handbook of esquizotrans pornography?what is the 'esquizerda' (the esquizoleft) ?what does the organization of trans or esquizoleft community look like in brasil?
Fabiane Borges (BR) is a writer and media and communication activistwho works with genders, transgenders, and technology. She has abackground in squat art and social movements, such as those involvingwhores, women, low-tech media, indigenous groups, and theanti-psychiatry movement [luta antimanicomial]. She enjoysesquizoanalysis and usually uses the name Cassandras.http://cassandras.multiply.com. Hilan Bensusan (BR) inspects singularities (like poetry writers,people coming out of the prisons), lectures philosophy in theUniversity ofBrasilia and writes manifestoes. http://www.unb.br/ih/fil/hilanb Esquizotrans – a gang of our shifting slices Esquizotrans is an assembly of desires focused on transgressing anddiluting borders. We experiment with writing, filming, performing inorder to blur both gender and genre borders. We do it in an erroristmanner (as hangovers of the Errorist International). In 2007 we were booed in a sexual diversity film festival in Brazilafter screening our Mulher-Bicha (Female Fag). Since 2006 we produceshort films accompanied with small performances that attempt tochannel erotic energy into politics while exposing the politicalundertone of the microerotic. We maintain a column in the MondeDiplomatique, Brazil, were we dilute the principles of column-writing,celebrate both the transsexual and the transgender takes on whateveris cyberpolitical and formulate what we call the 'esquizerda' (theesquizoleft) – that would attempt to extract subversive force from themultiplication of exception, deviation and error. Our current projectsinvolve short films of urban intervention in several towns, writingperformances where our convulsive collective writing is shown in theopen and the publication of our handbook of esquizotrans pornography. Our recent site:http://esquizotrans.wordpress.com enjoy some of our movies:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnRMbQQM2J0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZyL7pWfdG4
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