[-empyre-] Introducing Tina Gonsalves, Trish Adams and Lucette Cysique

Michele Barker M.Barker at unsw.edu.au
Mon Sep 8 18:06:59 EST 2008

As I have 8 guest speakers all up, I'd like to introduce the next 3  
and expand the discussion out a bit more. I'd like to invite artists  
Tina Gonsalvas and Trish Adams, and neuropsychologist Lucette Cysique  
to expand on their research.

Both Tina and Trish currently have residencies within neuroscientific  
departments and Lucette is presently a post-doctoral fellow in a Brain  
Science research department. So, whilst all 3 work with the visual  
apparatus of neuroimaging the intent - and the outcomes - are widely  
diverse. So are there any overlaps? I'd be interested to see where the  
visualisation of emotion in the brain fits into each person's  
research. Can each of you tell the list a little about how or if you  
try to visualise emotion using imaging techniques or technologies and  
what the importance of this is for your fields?

- Michele

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