[-empyre-] Nicholas Ruiz: Resolution for Digital Futures

Renate Ferro rtf9 at cornell.edu
Thu Jan 29 13:27:57 EST 2009

Requiem for a Resolution

Upon being asked to contribute to our postmodern agora, I contemplate 
the uncharted and the mapped before us. The insiders say the 
university is forever obliterated as the Protectorate, of and against 
what some have called crimes against the humanities:

...increasing part-time labor
...decreasing budgets for the non-vocational, and hence non-instrumental
...increasing polarization of everything

Among bureaucrats and thieves, of global streets and the world, there 
will be blood, already is blood; the digital rivers polluted with it, 
the physical rivers run red with it.
     But we are not against blood, are we? No, and if we are, how do 
we render our opposition to the dissolution of the fabric we have yet 
to become, and will never become, vocationalized and instrumentalized 
like silicon bodies by the intelligence of evil?
     Who will be the kite-runners in a world of collusion, complicity 
and apathetic indulgence?
     There will be exceptions, already are exceptions, wherein the 
horizon has no line. But no permission will be granted. No blessing 
at the altar. And no quotation for a range of possibilities of price. 
For these exceptions.
     Instead, only a requiem for what we shall no longer tolerate at 
the hands of the intelligence of evil, couched in the form of an 
early twenty-first century resolution.

Nicholas Ruiz III (US) was born in New York City in 1970 and now 
lives in New Smyrna Beach, FL. He is the author of The Metaphysics of 
Capital (2006) and America in Absentia (2008). He is also the editor 
of Kritikos and a moderator of -empyre-.

Renate Ferro and Tim Murray
Co-Moderators, -empyre- a soft-skinned-space
Department of Art/ Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
Cornell University

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