[-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 52, Issue 19

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Mar 22 12:25:08 EST 2009

Just a couple of comments - I agree with Jim for the most part; however 
there are constants, I think, at least as far as e-poetry is concerned. 
The reason I didn't mention names vis-a-vis canons is two-fold: the names 
are more or less irrelevant for the discussion, and one might miss a name 
or include a name that others might not agree with - and that would 
obviously throw the whole discussion off.

I do think it's great that courses are offered world-wide with great 
variety - on the other hand, it's remarkable how seminars and confs. seem 
to have mostly the same names year after year. Much as I like K. Hayles 
for example - there's a name - or Wendy Chun - another - I'd like to see 
others and other ideas and other worlds, rather than the same sorts of 
speaking time after time. (And I do like K. and W. by the way.)

- Alan

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