[-empyre-] performing before and after web 2.0

Anna Munster a.munster at unsw.edu.au
Wed Oct 14 17:00:39 EST 2009

I'd like to ask you a question that bounces off some of the issues I have raised with Kazys. In your chapter you make direct links between web 1.0 and web 2.0 via the concept of the performed identitity, taking us back to the era of the good old homepage! 

But you also make the argument that the kind of identities being performed an managed under distributed software and mechanisms such as search engines considerably change our notion of identity. You posit the idea of Identity 2.0.

I am wondering if you can say a bit more about the role of search engines especially here. This seems to me a key factor and in fact the deciding change or rupture if there is one at all. How do you think search engines have changed our sense of identity online and why, then, is it that identity itself no longer seems ot be a preoccupation among networked artists (in the way that it was for especially cyberfeminists during the 1990s)?

A/Prof. Anna Munster
Director of Postgraduate Research (Acting)
Deputy Director Centre for Contemporary Art and Politics
School of Art History and Art Education
College of Fine Arts
P.O. Box 259
NSW 2021
612 9385 0741 (tel)
612 9385 0615(fax)
a.munster at unsw.edu.au

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