[-empyre-] creating environmental conditions / creating teleological perspectives

Adrian Bowyer A.Bowyer at bath.ac.uk
Sat Apr 3 21:03:49 EST 2010

Gabriel Menotti wrote:

> any) to be adapted for the developing world. Adrian, do you know of
> any RepRap build in one of those areas? If so, did it suffer any
> adaptation to local conditions? Do these adaptations generated
> feedback that informed or will inform future developments of the
> system?

One was made in South Africa in the early days of the project, but I 
don't know how they are getting on now.

Checking out the World RepRap Map:


(which by no means has everyone on) there are reprappers in Kenya, 
Kazakhstan, and Central and South America.  As you'd expect, most 
users are in the developed world, though.

Best wishes


Dr Adrian Bowyer

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