[-empyre-] Thanks to Christina McPhee

Gabriela Vargas-Cetina gabyvargasc at prodigy.net.mx
Tue Feb 2 12:57:36 EST 2010

Thank you, Christina, and all the best with your work and your projects.


Gabriela Vargas-Cetina


On 2/1/10 10:39 AM, "Johannes Birringer" <Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk>

> Dear all:
> i have kept quiet this month
> but wish to say thank you to Christina,  after hearing this,
> and express my regrets that she decided to resign from moderating and from
> shaping/inspiring the discussions/explorations & balances on this list.
> good luck to your artwork and activities, Christina !!
> regards
> Johannes Birringer
> www.aliennationcompany.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au on behalf of Renate Ferro
> Sent: Mon 2/1/2010 5:34 AM
> To: soft_skinned_space
> Subject: [-empyre-] Thanks to Christina McPhee
> The online community of -empyre soft-skinned space bids adieu to our
> collaborator, Christina McPhee, who has decided to step aside from
> moderating -empyre- after years of tireless service.
> Christina has been a moderator of -empyre- since its earliest years
> (the list was instigated in 2002 by Melinda Rackham).   Succeeding
> Melinda, Christina served tirelessly as the managing moderator of
> -empyre- for many years until spring 2008, when she passed the baton
> to Tim and Renate.   During that time,  Christina helped to spearhead
> the three moderated conversations in 2006 and 2007 that were featured
> as part of the documenta 12 Magazine Project.  The list
> discussions<https://mail.cofa.unsw.edu.au/pipermail/empyre/2006-March>:
> Is Modernity our 
> Antiquity?; <https://mail.cofa.unsw.edu.au/pipermail/empyre/2006-July>Bare
> Life; and What is to be done (education)? were produced and edited by
> Christina.    Last spring, 2009, she was responsible for arranging
> the three -empyre- scholarships to the Anderson Art Ranch in
> Colorado.   She has been one of the corner stones of our listserv and
> we will miss her moderating energies, creative ideas, and dedication
> to -empyre-.
> While we look forward to receiving her lively posts as a subscriber,
> we  wish to take time out today to thank her for her loyalty, her
> energy, her creative inspiration, and her dedication to the moderator
> team.
> We will announce February's topic later in the day, but for now want
> to pause to extend our  thanks and best wishes to Christina.
> Christina McPhee:  Biography
> Christina McPhee (central coast California/San Francisco) is a media
> and visual artist.  Her work is involved with the poetics of
> post-digital abstraction and environmental crisis.  She works in
> drawing, photomontage and video. Recent video installations and
> screenings in 2009 include VIBA Buenos Aires (November), Cinema by
> the Bay, San Francisco (October), Chapman College/Guggenheim Gallery
> Los Angeles (for "Because the Night") (October); ISEA, Belfast
> (July)'; Pace Digital Gallery, New York (April); and Videoformes 09,
> Clermont-Ferrand (March) .  Drawings and photomontage from "Tesserae
> of Venus', considering the future of carbon atmospheres on Earth,
> showed  at Silverman Gallery, San Francisco (October-December 2009)
> and were featured  at the NADA fair/ Art Miami with Silverman
> Gallery.  New critical writing about her film work appears with
> Sharon Lyn Tay's new book, "Women on the Edge : Twelve Political Film
> Practices" New York: Macmillan and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 .
>  BOMB Magazine has published a new interview by Melissa Potter
> with Christina McPhee online
> at<http://bombsite.powweb.com/?p=5307>http://bombsite.powweb.com/?p=5307
> <http://us.macmillan.com/womenontheedgetwelvepoliticalfilmpractices>http://us.
> macmillan.com/womenontheedgetwelvepoliticalfilmpractices
> <http://silverman-gallery.com/exhibition/view/1770>http://silverman-gallery.co
> m/exhibition/view/1770
> <http://christinamcphee.net>http://christinamcphee.net
> <http://naxsmash.net>http://naxsmash.net
> <http://www.vimeo.com/christinamcphee>http://www.vimeo.com/christinamcphee

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