[-empyre-] Creativity as a social ontology

Scott Rettberg scott at retts.net
Mon Jul 26 05:54:30 EST 2010

Thanks, Simon,

I  been following the discussion this month with great interest and I look forward to joining in the discussion tomorrow afternoon and the rest of the week.

All the Best,


On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:31 PM, Simon Biggs wrote:

> We would like to thank both Ruth Catlow and Magnus Lawrie, who have so
> openly discussed their experience, and that of close colleagues, being
> involved in establishing networked social communities focused on a range of
> creative practices. The past week has allowed us to ground the debate with
> specific examples, evidencing relevant problems, solutions and
> opportunities. Magnus is now off on a well earned break from Scotland's
> delightful weather but I am looking forward to Ruth's further(field)
> contribution to the discussion from London.
> We would like to welcome our guest for Week 4 of this discussion, Scott
> Rettberg (Norway/USA). Scott is, aside from what is in his biographical
> statement below, project leader of a Humanities in the European Research
> Area funded joint research project titled Electronic Literature as a Model
> of Creativity and Innovation in Practice ( http://www.elmcip.net/ ). ELMCIP
> involves seven European academic research partners, and one non-academic
> partner, who will investigate how creative communities of practitioners form
> within transnational and transcultural contextsin globalised and
> distributed communication environments. I am a Principal Investigator on
> this project and will join Scott in discussing the issues that have arisen
> this week from our perspectives as practicing artists who engage networked
> systems as essential in their practice and as researchers wishing to gain
> further insights into what Magnus has suggested is a form of creative social
> ecology and I have earlier sought to propose as a social ontology.
> Scott Rettberg (Norway/USA):
> Scott Rettberg is a Chicago native who now lives in Norway. He writes, and
> writes about, new media and electronic literature. Rettberg is co-founder of
> the Electronic Literature Organization. His work is widely published,
> including by MIT Press, The Iowa Review Web and the Electronic Book Review.
> He was co-editor with N. Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, and Stephanie
> Strickland of the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One. He is an
> associate professor of digital culture at the University of Bergen.
> This July edition of empyre "Creativity as a social ontology" is moderated
> by Simon Biggs (UK/Aus), edinburgh college of art.
> Best
> Simon
> Simon Biggs
> s.biggs at eca.ac.uk  simon at littlepig.org.uk
> Skype: simonbiggsuk
> http://www.littlepig.org.uk/
> Research Professor  edinburgh college of art
> http://www.eca.ac.uk/
> Creative Interdisciplinary Research into CoLlaborative Environments
> http://www.eca.ac.uk/circle/
> Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice
> http://www.elmcip.net/
> Centre for Film, Performance and Media Arts
> http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/film-performance-media-arts
> Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201
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