[-empyre-] Fwd: SCREENARCADIA opening invitation -- Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2010

ellen pau ellenpau.hk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 13:59:23 EST 2010

 Thank you Edward for spreading the news for us. The new media art scene in
Hong Kong heavily revolves around a few regulars; microwave festival,
Videotage (www.Videotage.org.Hk <http://www.videotage.org.hk/>), independent
short film and video awards and School of creative media in City University.
Each taking a certain role in the development of new media art. To simplify
things I would say Videotage act as an agent and catalyse for both locally
trained and overseas trained new media artist. Microwave provide an
international stage for new commisson work, IFVA gives big award money to
emerging new media artist and SCM is the bed for locally trained artists
that like to work with technology. Last year, Jeffery Shaw was appointed the
new Dean of SCM and there will be changes in the philosophy shifting
from screen -based/ creative industry to software/ engineer creativity. A
lot of new media artists such as Eric Siu (http://www.ericsiuart.com/), Keith
Lam (http://www.www.the-demos.com/)
and<http://www.www.the-demos.com/)%20and>Cheung Hom- him (
http://www.xex.hk/) graduated from this school between 2003 to 2008 and they
all can do their own programmings. Others like Samson Young (
http://www.thismusicisfalse.com/), Kingsley Ng (
http://www.www.kingsleyng.com/ ) had overseas training. Sometimes I find it
funny to say someone as a new media artist because some of them prefer to be
called just "artist" and some prefer sound artist or designer. (I am quote
Kingsley, Francis Lam (http://db-db-db.com/bitboxland/) etc )The
identification to be "a new media artist" is probably much harder for
artist than for us to identify a piece of "new media art work".
The Hong Kong New Media Art scene is not so much related to the art market
but closer to acedemia, industry and commercial ventues, so it would be
easier to see new media artsits or presented in commercial projects and
malls in China. There are fine art training artists (usually in Chinese
University http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~fadept/
<http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/~fadept/%20)who>) who use video/technology as a
tool too such as Lee Kit, Leung Chi Wo and usually they won't consider
themselves new media artists neither.

Prehaps new media art, the very definitation of it, is not easy for artists
using technology as a tool nor for those artists who does not concern
towards what technology means for them, it is just fun to do it. Since many
new media art artists here are from the post 80's generations, apart from
artists working for twenty years like me and Hung Keung (
http://www.hungkeung.hk/), they present a unique wave of art that came out
from the post colonial era, the complex of being Chinese/HK SAR.

I think the post 80's generation ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-80s )
in Hong Kong can be an interesting lead for discussing new media art in HK
and even in China also, since they are the real computer whiz kid.


On 2010年11月22日, at 9:11, Edward Sanderson <ed at escdotdot.com> wrote:

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 Edward Sanderson
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