[-empyre-] "Archiving New Media Art: Ephemerality, and/or Sustainability." philosophical approach

FILE_Arquivo filearquivo00 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 10:40:50 EST 2010

Dear Jon

First of all congratulations for you work on new media art discipline. I 
would like to tell you that your contribution in this area is 
fundamental to my research in new media archive’s ambience. This project 
is in embryonic state which makes things more difficult to be shown in a 
practical way.

The idea is to investigate intelligent systems on retrieval and 
organization of information, based on the needs and performance of the 
interlocutor, the artists, the ambience, the artwork, all the voices of 
memory. On the other side, to feed these databases (these slots) that 
will be going to be interfaced with the user, it’s necessary to input an 
amount of data coming from many origins of media, support, objects, and 
all items found naturally in digital art. Also, it’s necessary to input 
some rules to this space to make everything work out. Rules are quite 
difficult to define in the state of the art of digital works. Either 
way, this input movement has to consider details, not predictable in 
traditional ways of archiving art, at the same time that these details 
must cross with the actual linear process to work with information and 
why not, even all data stored before. It’s hard to describe in few lines 
all gaps that must be filled in between the machine, the information, 
the user, and the whole space architecture. At the moment we’ve decided 
to do a simple test, running on AIML language, simulating an intelligent 
system, but working with semantic language. That will be our “Avatar 
Archive”, or something of the sort, that will talk to the interlocutor. 
Based on almost 100 artworks, considering about 5 questions per work, we 
are planning to have all possible answers in conceptual technical field. 
Test will star in a near future. Maybe retrieving not only the data, but 
also the logs created by the user event, we can start to create a DNA 
archive, which will be prepared to talk further with symbolic systems, 
other slots and with the interlocutor in a friendly way.

On another note: I do appreciate the marvelous process to take a single 
artwork and preserve it. I’m very interesting in the /Variable Media 
Questionnaire/. I was wondering to apply in some artworks here.



On 30/09/2010 11:40, Jon Ippolito wrote:
> Hi Gabriela,
> On Sep 30, 2010, at 8:53 AM, FILE_Arquivo wrote:
>> This made way to organize this amount of information; it’s facing the instabilities, errors and ephemeralilties as inherent part of the complex electronic/digital art archive ambiances....This is a philosophical point of view, which we are trying to put in practice, working hard on interface design and in the database structure.
> Intriguing. Can you give us any more of a glimpse--via a prototype or just textual description--of how this ephemerality-friendly interface and database might work?
> jon
> ______________________________
> Forging the Future:
> New tools for variable media preservation
> http://forging-the-future.net/
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Gabriela Previdello
FILE Archive Coordination
filearquivo00 at gmail.com
skypename: gabrielaprevidello
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