[-empyre-] Augmented reality as public art, mobile location based monuments and virtual memorials

Simon Biggs s.biggs at eca.ac.uk
Sat Apr 23 18:19:22 EST 2011

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On 21/04/2011 14:57, "gh hovagimyan" <ghh at thing.net> wrote:

> One way around the proprietory lock I've been using is the Kinect
> camera hack. There's an open TUIO driver that allows for connection
> to any of a number of  free software environments including PD.  The
> kinect gives you the interactivity and live video. Using PD gives you
> the GEM window with openGL rendering or sound or sensor interface.
> The larger question is what do you want to do.  The most obvious is
> to start with a vocabulary of  human gestures and movements as the
> starting point.   Then there is the discussion of where the AR event
> takes place (on screen, projection, goggles or Real 3D). This reminds
> of early body art and performance art. Insofar as a simple art system
> can produce tremendous results.  I find it sort of interesting that
> there is potential for a rigorous discussion on the Ontology of AR
> and changing human techno-consciousness.
> On Apr 20, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Rob Myers wrote:
>> > The problem is that these are currently immature products relative to
>> > previous AR technology. They are also proprietary software, which
>> > limits
>> > artists ability to address their limitations.
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Simon Biggs
simon at littlepig.org.uk

s.biggs at eca.ac.uk

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201

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