[-empyre-] Netopticon as Matrix

Lichty, Patrick plichty at colum.edu
Fri Jan 28 23:53:07 EST 2011

One point that comes to mind with the idea of the Netopticon is that we could see it like a huge apparatus resembling Indra's Net in terms of the online set of architectonics. But on the other hand, what is just as important is the binding points of the net to the frame in which it resides, or the roots of the rhizome, and this is where I draw the Virilio quote from.  The anchor point of this wholel thing is the ubiquitous camera in the physical world and its vectors drawing the attaching threads.  The police cam, the surveillance cam, the personal iPhone, the ubiquitous personal, institutional camera are the roots of the Netopticon.  It's almost like this great shudeering plant-apparatus is rooted by the gazes of the cameras. which then shoot their images into the Netopticon on their own vectors, weaving the rhizome of UbiSurv.

Patrick Lichty
Asst. Professor
Dept of Interactive Arts & Media
Columbia College Chicago
916/1000 S. Wabash Ave #104
Chicago, IL USA
"Never mind the logic of the thing..." - H. S. Thompson

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