[-empyre-] networking art + postmedia

Heidi May mayh at ecuad.ca
Mon Jan 31 10:26:28 EST 2011


Thanks for sharing your work and these links!


On 29-Jan-11, at 5:00 PM, empyre-request at gamera.cofa.unsw.edu.au wrote:

> On Sat, January 29, 2011 1:14 am, Heidi May wrote:
>> I wanted to bring up one more topic for discussion as we wind down
>> this last week. Joseph had mentioned that he made several pages of
>> notes before preparing his ideas and questions for this week, and,
>> well, I too found the previous week's discussions to be full of ideas
>> to expand on. The one area I really want to revisit, if others are
>> also interested, is the vibrant discussion that began from Cynthia's
>> response to Simon B's question of materialist deconstruction of  
>> "post-
>> convergent" media. I'm fascinated with the recent ideas Patrick has
>> raised and do intend to respond to those as well, however, the  
>> artist-
>> educator in me wants to inquire into the artistic methods we are
>> choosing to work with when expressing these extremely important ideas
>> related to network culture and when attempting to engage with a
>> networked public.
> A strategy friends and I have taken recently is to actively  
> interrogate
> the implicit trust people place in the metal and minds and vested
> interests that comprise the internet by learning to manipulate the  
> reality
> it supposedly provides. This produces productively contrary or
> incompatible realities, often within the same subject.
> Our most recent application of this strategy was to develop a device  
> which
> allows people to manipulate the news other people consume on wireless
> hotspots. Our targets are CNN, The Guardian, BBC, The Independent,
> Newstweek and Fox News.
> Innocuous and small, it acts as a console allowing a remote user to  
> alter
> the browser-delivered realities adopted every day by users of  
> smartphones
> and laptops, whether they be in airports, schools, libraries or cafes.
> You can read an review of the project here:
> http://vagueterrain.net/content/2011/01/newstweek-network-permeability-and-headline-hacking
> An interview with us on the project here:
> http://www.imperica.com/features/newstweek
> Here is the project website:
> http://newstweek.com
> Video of our device functioning (intended more for networking geeks  
> and
> naysayers)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL5ljrNInpM
> Greetings from Tokyo,
> ---
> Julian Oliver
> home: New Zealand
> based: Berlin, Germany
> currently: Tokyo, Japan
> about: http://julianoliver.com

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