[-empyre-] laws, outlaws & golden pirates

Simon Biggs s.biggs at eca.ac.uk
Wed Jul 6 05:35:51 EST 2011

So, the empire (empyre) strikes back? I seem to remember hearing that
somewhere before.

I remember the first time I saw Star Wars (about 1978?) and feeling
ambivalent about who were meant to be the "good guys".

But that was 40 years ago! The empire has changed...



On 05/07/2011 20:24, "shu lea cheang" <shulea at earthlink.net> wrote:

> simon asks me about République Pirate, aya, another not realized proposal.
> i think i must be better writing proposals then engaged in crossfire talks.
> so, a bit of history recap.
> in 2002, when we started Kingdom of Piracy, we have a long debate
> with armin, yukiko and richard (barbrook) between claiming ourselves
> kingdom or republic. This République Pirate was written in 2010, as situated
> in France.
> Here I try to reconsider your proposal about pirate art/cultural production.
> Ultimately i think we have a turn around, reversal of fortune, so to say??
> the government is now the pirates, the empire is back? The IP market
> is but a seemingly ligitimate front???
> over
> sl
> République Pirate
> a proposal by Shu Lea Cheang for poptronics.fr, 2010
> The newly established HADOPI legislation calls
> for the creation of a government agency that
> manages  "graduated response" (or so called 3
> strikes) process on internet's illegal
> downloaders. First they are sent a warning
> e-mail, then a letter if continue, and finally
> must appear before a judge if they offend again.
> The judge can then impose a fine, or suspend
> their access to the internet. The Hadopi law is
> highly debated and generated a lot of resistance
> among French/global net-users. There is also
> possible adoption of the Hadopi law among EU
> countries in the following years.
> République Pirate as an art project, proposes a
> 'confession' scenario for Illegal downloaders. We
> ask the net  users to sign on as the République
> Pirate citizens by submitting her/his recent 3
> allegedly illegal downloads. Either music, sound,
> cinema, texts, game or software, the downloads
> are submitted with the sites' URLs. The citizen
> when admitted to the République Pirate can choose
> to use pseudo names. Their identities protected.
> A new ID passport is to be issued by the
> République Pirate which grants its citizen the
> rights to upload/download and share pirate
> commons on the net.  République Pirate is a net
> refuge for the net commons generation. Beyond an
> art project, a team of legal consultants are
> recruited to defend its citizens if they should
> be caught by HADOPI law enforcement.
> République Pirate extends beyond French borders.
> By admitting citizens of illegal net behaviors,
> République Pirate builds a net nation where data
> of  current net resources and file exchange are
> listed. With République Pirate project, we
> counter HADOPI's net policing force. By enlisting
> millions of République Pirate's citizens, we
> claim République France has been taken over by
> the pirates!!!!   Long live the République Pirate.
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Simon Biggs | simon at littlepig.org.uk | www.littlepig.org.uk

s.biggs at eca.ac.uk | Edinburgh College of Art
www.eca.ac.uk/circle | www.elmcip.net | www.movingtargets.net

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201

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