[-empyre-] laws, outlaws & golden pirates
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Mon Jul 11 09:25:14 EST 2011
Hi Pawel,
>but is there anything 'important' in this statement, except repetition
>of Vilem Flusser thesis from 'Ins Universum der Technischen Bilder'?
A fair point, but you offer no alternative perspective yourself - which
is an easy thing to do.
I humbly await your own more learned considerations.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* marc garrett <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>
> *To:* soft_skinned_space <empyre at gamera.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> *Sent:* Sunday, 10 July 2011, 16:37
> *Subject:* Re: [-empyre-] laws, outlaws & golden pirates
> Hi Simon, Shu Lea & others,
> Appropriation is a behaviour which holds no favour to any particular
> group or individual, and perhaps the expectation of 'things not being
> appropriated' by others whether by capitalism or not - is an
> unrealistic demand.
> This (seemingly) perpetual, push and pull between mainstream and
> counter-cultural/activist actions, may be more part of an ongoing set
> of dynamics; as natural as eating or breathing - a reflection of what
> is bound to be.
> Radical practices become mainstream and diluted not necessarily only
> because capitalism assimilates its essence, but also because of its
> success to reach a larger group of people acknowledging the spirit of
> what is being communicated.
> And even though, it is deeply sickening watching how our own (media
> art related) culture and others' creative noises out there, are being
> sideline by supposed 'gurus', who talk an awful lot of crap about
> things they have little experience of themselves, whilst top-down
> 'orientated' organizations get pulled into web.2 myths and similar
> nonsense. I feel that, by focusing on an argument that gets us caught
> up in a binary loop of trying to always be 'underground' as the main
> function of radicalism is a diversion.
> >The question is how to short circuit that process?
> Any good hacker knows that if you want change, you get to the root -
> change the defaults - this is where the real battle exists, the rest
> follows...
> [Dear Marc,
> but is there anything 'important' in this statement, except repetition
> of Vilem Flusser thesis from 'Ins Universum der Technischen Bilder'?
> best
> p.]
> Appropriation is a secondary behaviour, messing up/altering the root
> of things is where the change and empowerment occurs.
> By continuously being concerned with what is commoditised, we get
> diverted into only worrying about the interface alone. And even though
> the surface of things is a direct connection to millions of others,
> whether it be through mobile networks, terrestrial TV, official news,
> it is still important to keep in touch or grounded with what matters
> beyond the interface of mediation 'the root of things'.
> Wishing you well.
> marc
> The appropriation of radical practices by the mainstream is the first step
> in normalisation. This process is key to assuring the success of
> capitalism.
> We see it with experimental artistic practices being assimilated into the
> art market. Many artists make work they intend to be beyond the reach
> of the
> market - unsalable, uncollectable, literally shit... Nevertheless, it ends
> up appropriated and commoditised, the subject of speculation.
> The question is how to short circuit that process? Vandalism might be part
> of that - to take away more than you put in, to ensure whatever it is
> you do
> its destructive tendency is greater than its creative. However, until
> now, I
> cannot think of a single strategy that has worked. That doesn't mean there
> isn't one...
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